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Kibana 8.13.0


For information about the Kibana 8.13.0 release, review the following information.

Known issues

Errors appear when loading Observability Infrastructure inventory views after upgrading to version 8.10.0 or higher.

After upgrading to version 8.10.0 or higher, you may encounter errors when loading inventory views.

For more information, refer to #187254.

You can mitigate the issue by completing the following steps:

  1. Search the .kibana_* index for type: inventory_view.
  2. Copy the _id field, which will be formatted as inventory-view:<id>. For example, inventory-view:3d3d06b0-f873-4373-8446-f6a8341cd8b1. Omit the inventory-view: portion and copy only the string of _id characters.
  3. The offending documents are those with fields inventory-view.legend.steps > 18. Delete these documents by running the following in Console:
DELETE kbn:/api/infra/inventory-views/<id>
In Canvas, an empty text element incorrectly triggers a toast notification

In Canvas, an empty text element incorrectly triggers a "Markdown content is required in [readOnly] mode" toast notification. For more information, refer to (#179457).

In Dashboard, base font size changes in a text panel are not applied

For more information, refer to (#179611).

Custom CSS in markdown for TSVB panels is broken

For more information, refer to (#179498).

In Canvas, markdown text settings are not applied

For more information, refer to (#179940).

Controls cannot be created or edited when using fields with custom labels

When creating a new control or editing an existing control, selecting a field that has a custom label will cause an error. For more information, refer to (#180613).

Index templates UI incorrectly sets the allow_auto_create field to false by default.

If you are creating or editing an index template using the Index Templates form under the Index Management page, the allow_auto_create field is incorrectly set to false by default (the default value should be undefined). For more information, refer to (#177938).

Breaking changes


Breaking changes can prevent your application from optimal operation and performance. Before you upgrade to 8.13.0, review the breaking changes, then mitigate the impact to your application.

Removes conditional topics for Kafka outputs

The Kafka output no longer supports conditional topics. For more information, refer to (#176879).

Most Fleet installed integrations are now read-only and labelled with a Managed tag in the Kibana UI


Integration content installed by Fleet is no longer editable. This content is tagged with Managed in the Kibana UI, and is Elastic managed. This content cannot be edited or deleted, however managed visualizations, dashboards, and saved searches can be cloned. The clones can be customized.

When cloning a dashboard the cloned panels become entirely independent copies that are unlinked from the original configurations and dependencies.

Managed content relating to specific visualization editors such as Lens, TSVB, and Maps, the clones retain the original reference configurations. The same applies to editing any saved searches in a managed visualization.

For more information, refer to (#172393).

Removes is_nan, is_finite, and is_infinite functions from ES|QL

These functions have been removed from ES|QL queries as they are not supported. Errors would be thrown when trying to use them. For more information, refer to (#174674).



Kibana 8.13.0 adds the following new and notable features.

  • The Custom Threshold rule is now out of technical preview and generally available (#176514).
  • Adds threshold to the custom threshold alert document (#176043).
  • Adds the ability to post Block Kit messages to the Slack Web API action (#174303).
  • Adds criticality fields and risk score fields to alert schema (#174626).
  • Adds fields table to rule details page alert flyout (#172830).
  • Show Universal Profiling on Transaction view (#176302).
  • Adds a specific metrics dashboard for opentelemetry-node services (#174700).
  • Adds the creating of ES|QL charts from the dashboard (#171973).
Elastic Security
For the Elastic Security 8.13.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
  • Adds enhanced ES|QL query editing experience with client side validation (#170071).
  • Adds reference to ecs@mappings for each index template (#174855).
  • Adds support for the subobjects setting on the object type mapping (#171826).
  • Adds a new Services component to host details UI (#176539).
  • Adds tiles for Notion and Redis connectors (#177306).
Lens & Visualizations
  • Adds workspace panel dimensions by chart type (#168651).
Machine Learning
  • Adds the single metric viewer embeddable for dashboards (#175857).
  • Adds support for ES|QL in Data visualizer (#174188).
  • Adds a method of excluding data tiers when getting a field list (#167946).
  • Adds support for auto value for CSV scrolling duration (#175005).
  • Adds CSV reporting with ES|QL in Discover (#174511).
  • Adds actions column (#175872).
  • Adds resource column with tooltip (#175287).
  • Adds support for the Timeslice Metric visualization on the SLO detail page (#175281).
  • Refactor alert table registration and change default columns (#175119).
  • Adds customization for virtual columns and add the 1st virtual column (#173732).
  • Adds a new option, Visualize this query, to the generated ES|QL quires in the Elastic Assistant (#174677).

For more information about the features introduced in 8.13.0, refer to What’s new in 8.13.

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