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Kibana 7.12.0


For information about the Kibana 7.12.0 release, review the following information.

Known issue


If you are using Kibana 7.9.x and earlier, and you upgrade to 7.10.0 to 7.17.2, all hidden panel titles now appear on your dashboards.

To resolve the known issue, upgrade to Kibana 7.17.3 or later.

Breaking changes


Breaking changes can prevent your application from optimal operation and performance. Before you upgrade to 7.12.0, review the breaking changes, then mitigate the impact to your application.

Removes geo threshold alert type

Geo containment alerts and the Geo threshold alert type have similar functionality, so the Geo threshold alert type has been removed. For more information, refer to #89632.

Use Geo containment alerts.

New saved object upgrade migrations algorithm

When you upgrade to 7.12.0, Kibana uses a new algorithm to migrate saved objects to reduce the downtime caused by temporary issues, such as network errors or temporarily overloaded Elasticsearch clusters. With the new algorithm, Kibana now retries the failed migrations without user intervention, which allows the migration to continue after the issues are resolved. For more information, refer to saved object upgrade migrations.

Before you upgrade to 7.12.0, review the documentation for rolling back to a previous version of Kibana.

Kibana support for CCS

In 7.12.0, Kibana introduces a major incompatibility with cross-cluster search. When one or more remote Elasticsearch clusters use a version prior to 7.12.0, Discover, Maps, Canvas, and Logs are unable to display the cluster data. For information about the cross-cluster search limitations in Kibana, refer to #94965.

To display the cluster data in Discover, load documents directly from _source.

  1. Open the main menu, then click Stack Management > Advanced Settings.
  2. Go to discover:searchFieldsFromSource, then select On.
Discover now uses the fields parameter

With the new fields parameter, Discover now shows all fields, including runtime fields, multi-mapped fields like .keyword, and alias fields. Reading from _source is still supported through a switch in Advanced Settings.

Refer to the blog announcing the change to Discover.

Review the breaking changes in previous versions:

7.11 | 7.10 | 7.9 | 7.8 | 7.7 | 7.6 | 7.5 | 7.4 | 7.3 | 7.2 | 7.1 | 7.0

Known issues


Saved object migrations

When upgrading to 7.12.0, Kibana retries failed saved object migrations without user intervention.

Impacts include:

  • In 7.12.0, upgrade migrations fail because of a large number of documents in the .kibana index when you use Fleet.
  • Corrupt saved objects caused by manual editing or integrations.
  • User-defined index templates that cause new .kibana* indices to have incompatible settings or mappings.
  • An unhealthy Elasticsearch cluster.
  • Different versions of Kibana connected to the same Elasticsearch index.
  • Incompatible xpack.tasks.index configuration setting.

If your upgrade migration fails repeatedly, refer to preventing migration failures.

Cluster performance degradation


Kibana fails to update and delete search sessions objects created in non-default spaces.

Impact: Cluster performance degrades due to a flooding of async search API usage. For information on the workaround for 7.12.0, refer to #96124.

For information on the fix in 7.12.1, refer to #96123.



The following functionality is deprecated in 7.12.0, and will be removed in 8.0.0. Deprecated functionality does not have an immediate impact on your application, but we strongly recommend you make the necessary updates after you upgrade to 7.12.0.

Deprecates services.callCluster in alerts and actions executors

Deprecates services.callCluster in the alert and action type executors. For more information, refer to #86474.

Use services.scopedClusterClient.

Deprecates configuring [kib] with a value of 0

In the new version of joi, 0 is an invalid hostname. When upgraded, the extra validate function can be removed. For more information, refer to #87114.

To bind to all interfaces, use

Deprecates the use of elasticsearch.logQueries

When logging.verbose: true or logging.root.level: 'debug', Elasticsearch query logs are now always shown. In 7.11.0 and earlier, Elasticsearch query logs were not included in verbose logging unless elasticsearch.logQueries was configured. For more information, refer to #89296.

To use verbose logging without Elasticsearch query logs, configure the query logs to off in kibana.yml:

     - context: elasticsearch.query
       level: off



Kibana 7.12.0 adds the following new and notable features.

  • Rename Visualize to Visualize Library #91015
  • Copy Panel to Dashboard #90856
  • Adds switch for color syncing between charts on dashboards #86180
  • Support mapping defined runtime fields in Discover #83891
Elastic Security
For the Elastic Security 7.12.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
Lens & Visualizations
  • Support histogram mapping type for all numeric functions in Lens #90357
  • Adds percentile to Lens #86490
  • Adds counter rate, cumulative sum, differences and moving average to Lens #84384
  • Show anomalies across both the log rate and categorization ML jobs in a swimlane visualization #89589
Machine Learning
  • Adds embedded map to geo_point fields for Data Visualizer #88880
  • Anomaly Detection: add anomalies map to explorer for jobs with lat_long function #88416
  • Data Frame Analytics: Adds scatterplot matrix to regression/classification results pages #88353
  • Redesign file-based Data Visualizer #87598
  • Enable Search Sessions #91097
  • Policy phases redesign #88671
  • Replace search session constants with kibana.yml configs #88023
  • Adds support for URI parts processor #86163
  • Management UI #81707
  • GA Geo containment alerts. Remove Geo containment alert experimental config settings and refs #90301
  • Implement custom global header banner #87438

For more information about the features introduced in 7.12.0, refer to What’s new in 7.12.

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