
The executive guide to generative AI

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Private Link available on GCP!

You can now enable Private Service Connect traffic filtering for your deployments on Google Cloud Platform. Check GCP Private Service Connect traffic filters.



Migrate to plan level settings, if possible, when editing. When editing a deployment in the UI, user settings are moved from the topology element level to the deployment resource level if it is possible to do so safely.

Enable operator privileges. Enable operator privileges for Elasticsearch clusters. This feature limits access to functionality that should only be used by the operator of the cluster infrastructure.

Preconfigured email connector in kibana.yml. A preconfigured Elastic-Cloud-SMTP email connector is now available for use with Kibana’s alerting feature in deployments with stack version 7.11.2 or higher. Newly created deployments have the predefined email connector available automatically. To make the predefined email connector available in an existing deployment, you need to upgrade your deployment to any version.



Make plan snapshots conditional. A deployment plan no longer creates a snapshot as a first step, unless the plan includes removing data nodes or doing major stack version upgrades.

Change APM trial limit. The trial limit displayed in the UI for APM has increased from 512MB to 1024MB.

Elasticsearch: Add settings to enable compression for ingest data transfer. Elasticsearch has been configured to use data compression when ingesting data in order to reduce data transfer rates.

Set use_for_peer_recovery in snapshot settings for 7.15+. The use_for_peer_recovery setting is enabled on snapshot repositories for clusters running stack versions 7.15 or higher. This aims to reduce data transfer costs by using existing snapshots for shard migrations and instance recovery.

Failed autoscaling notification. An email notification has been added to inform you when autoscaling fails to adjust the size of a deployment. This failure will require you to fix your deployment’s health before further autoscaling changes will be attempted.

Allow SSO user to create a password. An Edit button is now available on the user profile page that enables you to create an account password.

Added duration or number support for xpack.reporting.queue.timeout. Added the ability to configure xpack.reporting.queue.timeout as a number value (milliseconds) or a string (duration).

Change default upper bound for date range in Costs API. The Costs Analysis APIs now default to month-to-date date range when no query parameters (from and to) are specified for the following endpoints:

  • GET /billing/costs/{organization-id}
  • GET /billing/costs/{organization-id}/items
  • GET /billing/costs/{organization-id}/deployments
  • GET /billing/costs/{organizationId}/deployments/{deploymentId}/items

Respect maintenance mode in autoscaling service. The constructor autoscaling service will now respect maintenance mode. When a constructor is in maintenance mode it will not process any incoming autoscaling requests.

Add and default to plan-level user settings editing. For new deployments, or existing deployments without user settings, new user settings will be stored once at the deployment resource level, instead of within each topology element.

Use restored snapshot name as default. When a deployment is created from a restored snapshot, the snapshot name is used as a placeholder for the new deployment name.

Improve error output for failed snapshot restores. Failures during the Restoring snapshot step that are due to Elasticsearch errors will now have details of the error on the Activity page.

Support Enterprise Search heap dump download and capture in UI. Support for on-demand heap dump capture and download is extended to Enterprise Search clusters.

Billing history page updates. The Billing history section of the Account and Billing page has been updated:

  • The invoice list has been adapted to include usage statements and links to the PDF statements.
  • Where there’s a switch to prepaid from monthly or annual payment there will be two records in the first billing cycle, one for the invoice and the other for prepaid usage.

Bug fixes


Remove email verification banner. Removed the Click the link to complete your registration banner from the UI, since email verification is no longer a requirement for signing up with {s}.



Allow the server.maxPayload Kibana setting. The Kibana server.maxPayloadBytes setting was renamed to server.maxPayload in version 7.13.0. server.maxPayloadBytes will be removed in version 8.0.0. With this Elasticsearch Service release, deployents can start using the new setting.

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