Selecting the right configuration for you


While far from being a comprehensive guide for performance tuning, the following advice is provided for selecting the hot tier instance configuration:

Deployment template Hot data tier instance configuration Notes

Storage Optimized

Good for most ingestion use cases with 7-10 days of data available for fast access. Also good for light search use cases without heavy indexing or CPU needs.

CPU Optimized

Suitable for ingestion use cases with 1-4 days of data available for fast access and for search use cases with indexing and querying workloads. Provides the most CPU resources per unit of RAM.

Vector Search Optimized

Optimized for applications that leverage Vector Search and/or Generative AI. Also the optimal choice for utilizing ELSER for semantic search applications. Broadly suitable for all semantic search, text embedding, image search, and other Vector Search use cases.

General Purpose

Suitable for ingestion use cases with 5-7 days of data available for fast access. Also good for search workloads with less-frequent indexing and medium to high querying loads. Provides a balance of storage, memory, and CPU.