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Install and uninstall Elastic Agent integration assets


Install and uninstall Elastic Agent integration assets


Elastic Agent integrations come with a number of assets, such as dashboards, saved searches, and visualizations for analyzing data. When you add an integration to an agent policy in Fleet, the assets are installed automatically. If you’re building a policy file by hand, you need to install required assets such as index templates.

Install integration assets

  1. In Kibana, go to Management > Integrations > Browse integrations. Search for and select an integration.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Install <integration> assets to set up the Kibana and Elasticsearch assets.

Uninstall integration assets

  1. In Kibana, go to Management > Integrations > Browse integrations. Search for and select an integration.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Uninstall <integration> assets to remove Kibana and Elasticsearch assets that were installed by this integration.
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