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Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.16.1


Review important information about the Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.16.1 release.

Known Issues

An Elastic Agent with the Defend integration may report an Orphaned status and will not be able to be issued an upgrade action through Fleet.

A known issue in the Elastic Agent may prevent it from being targetted with an upgrade action for a future release. This may occur if the Defend integration is used and the agent is stopped on a running instance for too long. An agent may be stopped as part of an upgrade process.

A bug fix is present in the 8.16.3 and 8.17.1 releases of the Fleet that will prevent this from occuring.

If you have agents that are affected, the workaround is as follows:

# Get a Token to issue an update_by_query request:
curl -XPOST --user elastic:${SUPERUSER_PASS} -H 'x-elastic-product-origin:fleet' -H'content-type:application/json' "https://${ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}/_security/service/elastic/fleet-server/credential/token/fix-unenrolled"

# Issue an update_by_query request that targets effected agents:
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}' -H 'x-elastic-product-origin:fleet' -H 'content-type:application/json' "https://${ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}/.fleet-agents/_update_by_query" -d '{"query": {"bool": {"must": [{ "exists": { "field": "unenrolled_at" } }],"must_not": [{ "term": { "active": "false" } }]}},"script": {"source": "ctx._source.unenrolled_at = null;","lang": "painless"}}'

Bug fixes

Elastic Agent
  • During an Elastic Agent upgrade, resolve paths to a proper value assuming that the upgrading agent is installed. #5879 #5872
  • Trim spaces in the user input accepted by the cli.confirm function. This allows users to enter spaces around the yes/no inputs in CLI confirmation prompts. #5909
  • Skip calling the notifyFleetAuditUninstall function to notify Fleet on Windows during Elastic Agent uninstall, to significantly reduce likelihood of an exception being thrown. #6065 #5952
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