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Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.1.0


Highlights for Elastic Cloud Enterprise version 2.1.0:

  • Run cross-cluster searches. The Cross-Cluster Search API is now available and allows any node to act as a federated client across multiple clusters. A cross-cluster search node connects to a remote cluster in order to execute federated search requests, without joining that node to the remote cluster. Benefits of cross-cluster search include more powerful logging scenarios and the ability to split up monolithic deployments. Learn more …​
  • Deploy APM Server. When you create or edit Elastic Stack deployments, you can now stand up an APM Server and get the secret token to configure your APM Agents. The APM Server is already hooked up to work with Elasticsearch and Kibana. Learn more …​

    APM requires 6.3.0 or later, but you can upgrade your deployment to a supported version first, then add APM to your deployment.

  • Restrict connections with IP Filtering. An important security layer to control traffic to your deployments, you can now apply IP filtering to application clients, node clients, or transport clients, in addition to other nodes that are attempting to join an Elasticsearch cluster. You enable IP filtering by creating rule sets that allow specific IP Addresses. Learn More …​
  • Keep sensitive settings in the Elasticsearch keystore. Elastic Cloud Enterprise now supports the Elasticsearch keystore as a RESTful API-only feature that allows you to securely store your settings. Learn more …​
  • New versions of the Elastic Stack. Elastic Cloud Enterprise now supports the latest versions of the Elastic Stack, including 5.6.14 and 6.6.0.
  • Disk-based shard allocation settings are now enabled by default. These settings affect only newly created clusters.
  • Proxy HTTP requests to clusters via the API. This allows you to send RESTful API requests to a specific cluster.

To upgrade to Elastic Cloud Enterprise version 2.1.0, see Upgrade your installation and take note of the updated installation prerequisites for Docker in the next section. For offline (air-gapped) installations: After you complete the upgrade, you must also download the APM server images for the Elastic Stack versions that you plan to use.

Updated prerequisites


New recommended Docker version. After internal testing, we now officially support and recommend Docker 18.09.02 as an installation prerequisite for Elastic Cloud Enterprise. To learn more about the installation of Docker for supported Linux distributions, see Configure your operating system. For existing installations, follow the steps in Perform host maintenance when upgrading to Docker 18.09.02.

Previously, we primarily recommended Docker 1.11 for use with Elastic Cloud Enterprise. We no longer recommend this version, but some Linux distributions might work with other versions of Docker. To see which versions of Docker we support, see Linux distributions.

Bug Fixes


Elastic Cloud Enterprise version 2.1.0 includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed snapshot storage integrations. ECE 2.0 broke a number of different snapshot storage integrations, which this version fixes:

    • Minio: You can now use Minio again with Elastic Stack version 6.5 or later. If you have a deployment on on earlier versions of the Elastic Stack, upgrade the deployment to version 6.5 or later after upgrading ECE.
    • GCS: Google Cloud Storage is also supported again, without needing to allow access to Cloud APIs from the host.
    • Azure: A possible workaround to reenable Microsoft Azure Storage is still being investigated.
  • Improved checks when uploading Elastic Stack packs. ECE now perform additional checks when uploading new versions of the Elastic Stack to prevent the upload of empty ZIP files.

Release date: January 29, 2019

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