
The executive guide to generative AI

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The Kibana instance settings. When specified at the top level, provides a field-by-field default. When specified at the topology level, provides the override settings.


docker_image (string)
A docker URI that allows overriding of the default docker image specified for this version
system_settings (KibanaSystemSettings)
A subset of Kibana settings. TIP: To define the complete set of Elasticsearch settings, use KibanaSystemSettings with user_settings_override_ and user_settings_.
user_settings_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_yaml' is allowed), provided they are on the whitelist ('user_settings_whitelist') and not on the blacklist ('user_settings_blacklist'). (This field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
user_settings_override_json (object)
An arbitrary JSON object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_yaml' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
user_settings_override_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing ECE admins owners to set clusters' parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_override_json' is allowed), ie in addition to the documented 'system_settings'. (This field together with 'system_settings' and 'user_settings*' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
user_settings_yaml (string)
An arbitrary YAML object allowing (non-admin) cluster owners to set their parameters (only one of this and 'user_settings_json' is allowed), provided they are on the whitelist ('user_settings_whitelist') and not on the blacklist ('user_settings_blacklist'). (These field together with 'user_settings_override*' and 'system_settings' defines the total set of Kibana settings)
version (string)
The version of the Kibana cluster (must be one of the ECE supported versions, and won't work unless it matches the Elasticsearch version. Leave blank to auto-detect version.)


   "docker_image" : "string",
   "system_settings" : {
      "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
      "elasticsearch_username" : "string"
   "user_settings_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_json" : {},
   "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
   "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
   "version" : "string"

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