Elastic Contributor Program

How to submit

Let's walk through how to create an account and start submitting and validating contributions.

Getting started in the portal

To use the Elastic Contributor Program portal and start submitting contributions, you'll need to log in to Elastic Cloud. If you don't already have an account, it's easy to sign up.

  • Access the Elastic Contributor Program portal
  • You must use the same account for every contribution
  • Complete your personal profile in the "My Profile" tab
  • Start contributing and validating

The current submission period runs from February 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025. We are not accepting contributions made before February 1, 2024.

Submitting a contribution

Go to the "Submit Contribution" tab in the portal. You must complete each of the required fields detailed below.

  • Step 1: Select contribution type from the drop down menu.
    The drop down list includes: event organization, presentation, written content, video, translation, technical Q&A, and code. When submitting a presentation or written content, you'll have the option to earn extra points by submitting the slide deck used on the presentation or sharing the written content on your social media.
  • Step 2: Select the topic from the drop down menu.
    The drop down list includes: Observability, Security, Elastic Search, or Stack (if unsure choose this option)
  • Step 3: Select your language from the drop down menu.
    In case of a translation, specify the language the blog post was translated into.
  • Step 4: Add a link to the contribution.
    The link must be valid and public. Include your name and the title of the contribution. For code contributions you must link to the Elastic GitHub repo or the specific repo from the demo or project you are referring to. For translations, you must include two links: one to the original content and one to the translated content.
  • Step 5: Include the title of the contribution.
    This is the title that is shared with the public. It must match the title shared via the link.
  • Step 6: Enter the event date or date of publication.
    This is the date the contribution was made, not the date of its submission to the Elastic Contributor Program.
  • Step 7: Include a description of the contribution.
    Submit additional information about the contribution, such as a presentation abstract or event details.
  • Step 8: Review the contribution and send.

We encourage you to complete submissions within 30 days of your contribution date. You can submit a maximum of 10 contributions per day.

Validating a contribution

Every submission must be validated before points can be awarded and the leaderboard updated. Validations will be completed either by the Elastic Community team or other contributors - in this case, each contribution must be validated by 3 different contributors from the community

  • Navigate to "Validate Contributions" in the portal.
  • Ensure the contribution is valid by reviewing the rules and criteria outlined on the rules page.
  • If the criteria has been met, click the "Accept" button.
  • If the criteria has not been met, click the "Decline" button.
  • If you decline a contribution, you must explain why the contribution failed to meet the outlined criteria.

While we do our best to ensure all contribution validation is completed in a fair and timely manner, please do keep in mind that contribution volume may impact validation speed. If you believe a contribution was wrongly declined, please contest the validation and explain why we should accept your submission. If you have further problems, please reach out to us at [email protected].