Elastic Contributor Program


Ready to contribute? Here’s what you need to know to earn points.

The basics

All contributions must follow the Elastic Community Code of Conduct. The contributions must be your original work, and you must cite your sources when necessary. If the committee concludes that a contributor has plagiarized, they will be expelled from the program.

Event organization

To receive points for organizing events such as meetups, hackathons, virtual events, and workshops:

  • The event must be open to the public. If it's a meetup, workshop, or any event other than a conference, admission must be free.
  • You must provide a valid link to the event page.
  • Your full name, the event date, and description must appear on the event page.
  • The event must be centered on Elastic products and solutions.
  • A minimum of 10 attendees is required and at least one technical talk should be presented.

You will receive six points per organized event submitted.


To receive points for presenting at events such as meetups, workshops, and conferences (virtually or in-person):

  • The presentation must be open to the public. If it's a meetup, workshop, or any event other than a conference, admission must be free.
  • You must provide a valid link to the event page.
  • Your full name, the title of your presentation, and the event date must appear on the event page.
  • The presentation must be centered on Elastic products or solutions.
  • A minimum of 10 attendees is required and the presentation must be at least 7 minutes in duration.

You will receive ten points per presentation submission.

Written content

To receive points for written content such as articles or blog posts:

  • The written content must focus on Elastic's products and solutions, be original work, written entirely by you, without any use of or reliance on GenAI Tools
  • You must provide a valid link to the content. It cannot have a paywall, but required registration or login is allowed.
  • Your full name and the publication date must appear on the written content.
  • The written content must have a word count of at least 500 words (roughly equivalent to 20 lines in length).
  • Your article must contain an example of the topic covered.

You will receive six points per written content submission.


To receive points for video tutorials, series, or use case recordings:

  • You must provide a valid link to the video. It cannot have a paywall, but required registration or login is allowed.
  • Your full name and the publication date must be published in the video or in the video description.
  • The video must be centered on Elastic products or solutions.
  • The video or video series must be at least 5 minutes in length.

You will receive eight points per video or video series submitted.


To receive points for written translation of an elastic.co blog:

  • The original elastic.co/blog must be linked in your translated work.
  • Translations into English or translations into languages that the content is already available in will not be accepted.
  • You must provide a valid link to the translated content. It cannot have a paywall, but required registration or login is allowed.
  • Your full name and the publication date must appear on the translated content.
  • The translation must use technical terms with consistency.
  • Only written translations will be accepted.

You will receive two points per translated content submitted.


To receive points for code contributions in the Elastic repo:

GitHub issues (bug reports):

  • The issue must be contributed to the Elastic GitHub repo. The issue must be a valid bug report that isn't marked as invalid or a duplicate.
  • You must submit a valid link to the issue.
  • The date the issue was published must be within the cycle period.
  • The Contributor must be the author of the issue.

You will receive two points per accepted GitHub issues (bug report) you make.

GitHub pull request:

  • The code must be contributed to the Elastic GitHub repo.
  • The code must be approved or merged before submitted, it cannot be a duplicate.
  • You must submit a valid link to the pull request.
  • The date the code was published must be within the cycle period.
  • The Contributor must be the author of the code enhancement.

You will receive eight points per accepted code enhancement contribution you make.

Non-Elastic repositories

To receive points for code contributions to non-Elastic repos, you must follow the steps below.


  • The demo must be done with one or more technologies of the Elastic Stack.
  • The demo must provide a complete set of steps that allow users to experience the Elastic technology in the use case created.
  • Instructions must be clearly written in the README file.
  • The demo must use up-to-date versions of Elastic.
  • You must submit a valid link to the demo.
  • The code must be publicly available via a non-gated URL.
  • The date the demo was published must be within the cycle period.
  • The Contributor must be the author of the demo.

You will receive six points per accepted demo contribution you make.

Project using Elastic:

  • The project must use one or more technologies of the Elastic Stack;
  • It must be a default branch;
  • You must submit a valid link to the project.
  • The code must be publicly available via a non-gated URL;
  • The project must be complete, unfinished projects will not be accepted;
  • The date the code was published must be within the cycle period;
  • The Contributor must be the author of the project.

You will receive six points per accepted project contribution you make.

Technical Q&A

To receive points for answering a technical question on discuss.elastic.co and Stack Overflow:

  • You must provide a valid link to the answer posted on Stack Overflow or discuss.elastic.co.
  • You must create a specific link directing to your answer.
  • Your full name or username must appear on your profile on discuss.elastic.co or Stack Overflow.
  • The technical question must be centered around Elastic products or solutions, and the answer should be helpful to the community.
  • Your answer must be accepted by the moderator or by the person who asked the question.
  • The answer you submit must not be a duplicate.

You will receive two points per technical answer submitted.

Contribution validation

To receive points for contribution validation:

  • You must validate another contributor's submission on the Elastic Contributor portal.
  • You cannot validate your own contributions.

You will receive one point for every 5 contributions you validate. If you validate less than 5 contributions, you won't get any points. To learn more about how to validate contributions, check out the submissions page.

  • Acceptable reasons for flagging a submission:
    • Plagiarism
    • Invalid or inexistent link submitted with an issue
    • An article or blog post shorter than 500 words
    • A video shorter than 5 minutes or a video series shorter than 5 minutes total
    • Code contribution is not made to Elastic GitHub repo
    • Translations are not made to elastic.co content
    • The contribution violates our code of conduct

Bonus Points - Elastic Solutions

To receive bonus points for contributions related to Elastic solutions:

  • You must submit at least three contributions under the Elastic Solutions other than the Elastic Stack (e.g., Elastic Security, Elastic Observability, Elastic Search). It doesn't have to be one submission for each Solution; for example, you could make two Submissions for Security and one for Observability.
  • The three contributions must be validated before you receive the points.
  • The points will be automatically scored once three contributions that fit the criteria are submitted.

You will receive six points per group of three submissions.

Bonus Points - Five Contribution Types

To receive bonus points for contribution types:

  • You must submit at least one submission under at least five distinct categories of Contributions (Presentation, Code, Video, Organized Event, Translation, Written Content, and Technical Q&A).
  • The five contributions must be validated before you receive the points.
  • The categories must differ from each other, meaning there should be one submission per different category.
  • The points will be automatically scored once the five contributions that fit the criteria are submitted.

You will receive six points per group of five submissions.

Bonus Points - Program Referrals

To receive bonus points for referring contributors to join the program:

  • You must enter your referral’s email in the "Refer Contributor" tab on the portal.
  • You cannot refer the same person more than once and you cannot refer yourself.
  • The referred person must use the same email address you used to refer them when they create their profile in the program.
  • You will score the points once the referred person makes their first valid contribution (any category is accepted, except validation).

You will receive six points one time per valid referral.

Swag rewards

Pathway to earn Elastic swag throughout the cycle

You must complete one of the following tasks to be able to claim a swag. You can claim only one swag per quarter; if you win a swag for a certain category, you cannot submit to the same category again. Please see the instructions below and read the terms and conditions to check the detailed rules.

Task A: Present a talk about Elastic at a meetup (in person or virtual)

  • The meetup must take place during the applicable Entry Period.
  • A minimum of attendees is required (10 attendees for in-person; 15 attendees for virtual).
  • You must also post an event summary on LinkedIn or X, share the event or talk link, and tag Elastic.

After the meetup has concluded, you may request your 40oz Hydro Flask thermal bottle or other similar bottle by sending a request to [email protected] and including the following information: a link to the event, the total number of attendees, a screenshot of the event summary being shared on LinkedIn or X, and your full mailing address. The item will be shipped to you for free.

Task B: Record a video tutorial about Elastic technology

  • Share a how-to, best practices, a demo, or a use case and upload the video to YouTube.
  • Share the link on social media (LinkedIn or X), and tag Elastic.

You may claim a Bluetooth speaker by sending a request to [email protected] and including the following information: a link to the video, a screenshot of what you shared on LinkedIn or X, and your full mailing address. The item will be shipped to you for free.

Task C: Submit a talk about Elastic to an open CFP (call for papers) at a technical conference

  • The conference must take place during the applicable Entry Period.
  • After you present your talk, share the news on social media (X or LinkedIn), and tag Elastic.

You can claim a North Face laptop bag by sending a request to [email protected] and including the following information: a link to your talk at the conference, a screenshot of what you shared on LinkedIn or X, and your full mailing address. The item will be shipped to you for free.

Task D: Have an article approved and published on Elastic Blog.

  • You must submit your article to [email protected], which will be reviewed by the Elastic team.
  • If your article is accepted, we reserve the right to make any edits or modifications to the text; however, we will resubmit the article to you for final approval before publication.
  • Once it's published on the Elastic blog, you can share it within your social networks.
  • Share the link on social media (X or LinkedIn) and tag Elastic.

Once that's completed, you can claim an Elastic cap and a shirt by sending a request to [email protected] and including the following information: a link to the article, a screenshot of what you shared on LinkedIn or X, your shirt size, and your complete mailing address. The items will be shipped to you for free.