Privileges endpoint


Retrieves whether or not the user is authenticated, and the user’s Kibana space and index privileges, which determine if the user can create an index (.siem-signals-*) for the Elastic Security alerts generated by detection engine rules.

For information about the permissions and privileges required to create .siem-signals-<Kibana-space> indices, see Enable Detections.

The Kibana Console supports only Elasticsearch APIs. You cannot interact with the Kibana APIs with the Console and must use curl or another HTTP tool instead. For more information, refer to Console.

Get privileges


Returns user privileges for the Kibana space.

Request URL


GET <kibana host>:<port>/api/detection_engine/privileges

Example requests

Gets user privileges for the Kibana default space:

GET api/detection_engine/privileges

Gets user privileges for the Kibana siem space:

GET s/siem/api/detection_engine/privileges

Response code

Indicates a successful call.
Example response
  "username": "detection-engine-admin",
  "has_all_requested": false,
  "cluster": {
    "monitor_ml": true,
    "manage_ccr": false,
    "manage_index_templates": true,
    "monitor_watcher": true,
    "monitor_transform": true,
    "read_ilm": true,
    "manage_api_key": false,
    "manage_security": false,
    "manage_own_api_key": false,
    "manage_saml": false,
    "all": false,
    "manage_ilm": true,
    "manage_ingest_pipelines": true,
    "read_ccr": false,
    "manage_rollup": true,
    "monitor": true,
    "manage_watcher": true,
    "manage": true,
    "manage_transform": true,
    "manage_token": false,
    "manage_ml": true,
    "manage_pipeline": true,
    "monitor_rollup": true,
    "transport_client": true,
    "create_snapshot": true
  "index": {
    ".siem-signals-detection-engine": {
      "all": false,
      "manage_ilm": true,
      "read": false,
      "create_index": true,
      "read_cross_cluster": false,
      "index": false,
      "monitor": true,
      "delete": false,
      "manage": true,
      "delete_index": true,
      "create_doc": false,
      "view_index_metadata": true,
      "create": false,
      "manage_follow_index": true,
      "manage_leader_index": true,
      "write": false
  "application": {}
  "is_authenticated": true 
  "has_encryption_key": true 

Indicates whether the user can log in to the Elasticsearch deployment.

Indicates whether the xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey is set.