7.14.1 release notes


7.14.1 release notes


Upgrading to Enterprise Search 7.14.1? See Upgrading & migrating.

App Search

  • A number of improvements have been made to the Domain Validation UI in App Search Crawler to help users with non-trivial domain configurations involving HTTP/HTTPS redirects, etc.

Bug fixes

  • Clears the reset password token immediately following a password reset, preventing re-use of the token. Previously, the token would expire after two hours.
  • Fixes an issue that caused the web crawler to fail a URL content check during domain validation due to a redirect.
  • Fixes an issue that may cause the crawler to block and unable to finish a crawl on sites with large numbers of redirects.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented crawling web pages with relative base URLs.

Workplace Search


Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue that caused Service Now syncs to fail when there were more than 10000 records of a single type.