- JavaScript Client: other versions:
- Introduction
- Usage
- Client configuration
- API Reference
- Common parameters
- bulk
- cat.aliases
- cat.allocation
- cat.count
- cat.fielddata
- cat.health
- cat.help
- cat.indices
- cat.master
- cat.nodeattrs
- cat.nodes
- cat.pendingTasks
- cat.plugins
- cat.recovery
- cat.repositories
- cat.segments
- cat.shards
- cat.snapshots
- cat.tasks
- cat.templates
- cat.threadPool
- clearScroll
- cluster.allocationExplain
- cluster.getSettings
- cluster.health
- cluster.pendingTasks
- cluster.putSettings
- cluster.remoteInfo
- cluster.reroute
- cluster.state
- cluster.stats
- count
- create
- delete
- deleteByQuery
- deleteByQueryRethrottle
- deleteScript
- exists
- existsSource
- explain
- fieldCaps
- get
- getScript
- getSource
- index
- indices.analyze
- indices.clearCache
- indices.close
- indices.create
- indices.delete
- indices.deleteAlias
- indices.deleteTemplate
- indices.exists
- indices.existsAlias
- indices.existsTemplate
- indices.existsType
- indices.flush
- indices.flushSynced
- indices.forcemerge
- indices.get
- indices.getAlias
- indices.getFieldMapping
- indices.getMapping
- indices.getSettings
- indices.getTemplate
- indices.getUpgrade
- indices.open
- indices.putAlias
- indices.putMapping
- indices.putSettings
- indices.putTemplate
- indices.recovery
- indices.refresh
- indices.rollover
- indices.segments
- indices.shardStores
- indices.shrink
- indices.split
- indices.stats
- indices.updateAliases
- indices.upgrade
- indices.validateQuery
- info
- ingest.deletePipeline
- ingest.getPipeline
- ingest.processorGrok
- ingest.putPipeline
- ingest.simulate
- mget
- msearch
- msearchTemplate
- mtermvectors
- nodes.hotThreads
- nodes.info
- nodes.reloadSecureSettings
- nodes.stats
- nodes.usage
- ping
- putScript
- rankEval
- reindex
- reindexRethrottle
- renderSearchTemplate
- scriptsPainlessExecute
- scroll
- search
- searchShards
- searchTemplate
- snapshot.create
- snapshot.createRepository
- snapshot.delete
- snapshot.deleteRepository
- snapshot.get
- snapshot.getRepository
- snapshot.restore
- snapshot.status
- snapshot.verifyRepository
- tasks.cancel
- tasks.get
- tasks.list
- termvectors
- update
- updateByQuery
- updateByQueryRethrottle
- ccr.deleteAutoFollowPattern
- ccr.follow
- ccr.followInfo
- ccr.followStats
- ccr.forgetFollower
- ccr.getAutoFollowPattern
- ccr.pauseFollow
- ccr.putAutoFollowPattern
- ccr.resumeFollow
- ccr.stats
- ccr.unfollow
- ilm.deleteLifecycle
- ilm.explainLifecycle
- ilm.getLifecycle
- ilm.getStatus
- ilm.moveToStep
- ilm.putLifecycle
- ilm.removePolicy
- ilm.retry
- ilm.start
- ilm.stop
- indices.freeze
- indices.unfreeze
- security.createApiKey
- security.getApiKey
- security.invalidateApiKey
- xpack.graph.explore
- xpack.info
- xpack.license.delete
- xpack.license.get
- xpack.license.getBasicStatus
- xpack.license.getTrialStatus
- xpack.license.post
- xpack.license.postStartBasic
- xpack.license.postStartTrial
- xpack.migration.deprecations
- xpack.migration.getAssistance
- xpack.migration.upgrade
- xpack.ml.closeJob
- xpack.ml.deleteCalendar
- xpack.ml.deleteCalendarEvent
- xpack.ml.deleteCalendarJob
- xpack.ml.deleteDatafeed
- xpack.ml.deleteExpiredData
- xpack.ml.deleteFilter
- xpack.ml.deleteForecast
- xpack.ml.deleteJob
- xpack.ml.deleteModelSnapshot
- xpack.ml.findFileStructure
- xpack.ml.flushJob
- xpack.ml.forecast
- xpack.ml.getBuckets
- xpack.ml.getCalendarEvents
- xpack.ml.getCalendars
- xpack.ml.getCategories
- xpack.ml.getDatafeedStats
- xpack.ml.getDatafeeds
- xpack.ml.getFilters
- xpack.ml.getInfluencers
- xpack.ml.getJobStats
- xpack.ml.getJobs
- xpack.ml.getModelSnapshots
- xpack.ml.getOverallBuckets
- xpack.ml.getRecords
- xpack.ml.info
- xpack.ml.openJob
- xpack.ml.postCalendarEvents
- xpack.ml.postData
- xpack.ml.previewDatafeed
- xpack.ml.putCalendar
- xpack.ml.putCalendarJob
- xpack.ml.putDatafeed
- xpack.ml.putFilter
- xpack.ml.putJob
- xpack.ml.revertModelSnapshot
- xpack.ml.setUpgradeMode
- xpack.ml.startDatafeed
- xpack.ml.stopDatafeed
- xpack.ml.updateDatafeed
- xpack.ml.updateFilter
- xpack.ml.updateJob
- xpack.ml.updateModelSnapshot
- xpack.ml.validate
- xpack.ml.validateDetector
- xpack.monitoring.bulk
- xpack.rollup.deleteJob
- xpack.rollup.getJobs
- xpack.rollup.getRollupCaps
- xpack.rollup.getRollupIndexCaps
- xpack.rollup.putJob
- xpack.rollup.rollupSearch
- xpack.rollup.startJob
- xpack.rollup.stopJob
- xpack.security.authenticate
- xpack.security.changePassword
- xpack.security.clearCachedRealms
- xpack.security.clearCachedRoles
- xpack.security.deletePrivileges
- xpack.security.deleteRole
- xpack.security.deleteRoleMapping
- xpack.security.deleteUser
- xpack.security.disableUser
- xpack.security.enableUser
- xpack.security.getPrivileges
- xpack.security.getRole
- xpack.security.getRoleMapping
- xpack.security.getToken
- xpack.security.getUser
- xpack.security.getUserPrivileges
- xpack.security.hasPrivileges
- xpack.security.invalidateToken
- xpack.security.putPrivileges
- xpack.security.putRole
- xpack.security.putRoleMapping
- xpack.security.putUser
- xpack.sql.clearCursor
- xpack.sql.query
- xpack.sql.translate
- xpack.ssl.certificates
- xpack.usage
- xpack.watcher.ackWatch
- xpack.watcher.activateWatch
- xpack.watcher.deactivateWatch
- xpack.watcher.deleteWatch
- xpack.watcher.executeWatch
- xpack.watcher.getWatch
- xpack.watcher.putWatch
- xpack.watcher.restart
- xpack.watcher.start
- xpack.watcher.stats
- xpack.watcher.stop
- Breaking changes coming from the old client
- Authentication
- Observability
- Creating a child client
- Extend the client
- TypeScript support
- Examples
NOTE: You are looking at documentation for an older release. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
editclient.indices.stats({ index: string | string[], metric: string | string[], completion_fields: string | string[], fielddata_fields: string | string[], fields: string | string[], groups: string | string[], level: 'cluster' | 'indices' | 'shards', types: string | string[], include_segment_file_sizes: boolean })