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1.4.0 release highlights


New and notable


New and notable changes in version 1.4.0 of Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. See Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 1.4.0 for the full list of changes.

Support for Elastic Agent


Elastic Agent provides a unified way to monitor logs, metrics, and other types of data from your Kubernetes infrastructure quickly and easily. You can use a single Elastic Agent deployment to replace multiple Beats deployments that were previously required to collect the different types of data you want to monitor. ECK 1.4.0 introduces experimental support for Elastic Agent in standalone mode as a technology preview.

Known issues


On Kubernetes versions 1.16 or higher, if the operator is installed using Helm and if the validating webhook is enabled, you may be prevented from increasing the storage size of Elasticsearch volumeClaimTemplates even if the underlying storage class allows expansion. This is due to a change in how resources match update requests to validating webhook endpoints. You can work around this problem by patching the validating webhook as follows:

# If you installed using the Helm defaults, the name of the webhook would be
# If the operator name or namespace was changed during the installation, the name would reflect those changes.
WEBHOOK=$(kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration --no-headers -o | grep '')
kubectl patch validatingwebhookconfiguration "$WEBHOOK" \
    --patch='{"webhooks": [{"name": "", "matchPolicy": "Exact"}, {"name": "", "matchPolicy": "Exact"}]}'
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