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Keep track of deployment activity


The deployment Activity page gives you a convenient way to follow all configuration changes that have been applied to your deployment, including which resources were affected, when the changes were applied, who initiated the changes, and whether or not the changes were successful. You can also select Details for an expanded, step-by-step view of each change applied to each deployment resource.

To view the activity for a deployment:

  1. Log into the Cloud UI.
  2. On the Deployments page, select your deployment.

    Narrow the list by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To further define the list, use a combination of filters.

  3. In your deployment menu, select Activity.
  4. You can:

    1. View the activity for all deployment resources (the default).
    2. Use one of the available filters to view configuration changes by status or type. You can use the query field to create a custom search. Select the filter buttons to get examples of the query format.
    3. Select one of the resource filters to view activity for only that resource type.
The Activity page

In the table columns you find the following information:

Which deployment resource the configuration change was applied to.
A summary of what change was applied, when the change was performed, and how long it took.
Applied by
The user who submitted the configuration change. System indicates configuration changes initiated automatically by the Elastic Cloud Enterprise platform.
Select Details for an expanded view of each step in the configuration change, including the start time, end time, and duration. You can select Reapply to re-run the configuration change.
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