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Add plugins


Plugins extend the core functionality of Elasticsearch. Elastic Cloud Enterprise makes it easy to add plugins to your deployment by providing a number of plugins that work with your version of Elasticsearch. One advantage of these plugins is that you generally don’t have to worry about upgrading plugins when upgrading to a new Elasticsearch version, unless there are breaking changes. The plugins simply are upgraded along with the rest of your deployment.

Adding plugins to a deployment is as simple as selecting it from the list of available plugins, but different versions of Elasticsearch support different plugins. Plugins are available for different purposes, such as:

  • National language support, phonetic analysis, and extended unicode support
  • Ingesting attachments in common formats and ingesting information about the geographic location of IP addresses
  • Adding new field datatypes to Elasticsearch
  • Support for additional snapshot repositories from Google and Microsoft

Additional plugins might be available. If a plugin is listed for your version of Elasticsearch, it can be used.

To add plugins when creating a new deployment:

  1. Log into the Cloud UI and click Create deployment.
  2. Make your initial deployment selections, then click Customize Deployment.
  3. Beneath the Elasticsearch master node, expand the Manage plugins and settings caret.
  4. Select the plugins you want.
  5. Click Create deployment.

The deployment spins up with the plugins installed.

To add plugins to an existing deployment:

  1. Log into the Cloud UI.
  2. On the Deployments page, select your deployment.

    Narrow the list by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To further define the list, use a combination of filters.

  3. From your deployment menu, go to the Edit page.
  4. Beneath the Elasticsearch master node, expand the Advanced Elasticsearch caret.
  5. Select the plugins that you want.
  6. Click Save changes.

There is no downtime when adding plugins. The deployment is updated with new nodes that have the plugins installed.

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