Heartbeat command reference


Heartbeat provides a command-line interface for starting Heartbeat and performing common tasks, like testing configuration files.

The command-line also supports global flags for controlling global behaviors.

Use sudo to run the following commands if:

  • the config file is owned by root, or
  • Heartbeat is configured to capture data that requires root access

Some of the features described here require an Elastic license. For more information, see https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions and License Management.



Exports the configuration, index template, or ILM policy to stdout.


Shows help for any command.


Manages the secrets keystore.


Runs Heartbeat. This command is used by default if you start Heartbeat without specifying a command.


Sets up the initial environment, including the ES index template, and ILM policy and write alias.


Tests the configuration.


Shows information about the current version.

Also see Global flags.

export command


Exports the configuration, index template, or ILM policy to stdout. You can use this command to quickly view your configuration or see the contents of the index template or the ILM policy.


heartbeat export SUBCOMMAND [FLAGS]


Exports the current configuration to stdout. If you use the -c flag, this command exports the configuration that’s defined in the specified file.
Exports the index template to stdout. You can specify the --es.version flag to further define what gets exported. Furthermore you can export the template to a file instead of stdout by defining a directory via --dir.
Exports the index lifecycle management policy to stdout. You can specify the --es.version and a --dir to which the policy should be exported as a file rather than exporting to stdout.


--es.version VERSION
When used with template, exports an index template that is compatible with the specified version. When used with ilm-policy, exports the ILM policy if the specified ES version is enabled for ILM.
-h, --help
Shows help for the export command.
Define a directory to which the template, pipelines, and ILM policy should be exported to as files instead of printing them to stdout.

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat export config
heartbeat export template --es.version 8.17.0

help command


Shows help for any command. If no command is specified, shows help for the run command.


heartbeat help COMMAND_NAME [FLAGS]
Specifies the name of the command to show help for.


-h, --help
Shows help for the help command.

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat help export

keystore command


Manages the secrets keystore.


heartbeat keystore SUBCOMMAND [FLAGS]


add KEY
Adds the specified key to the keystore. Use the --force flag to overwrite an existing key. Use the --stdin flag to pass the value through stdin.
Creates a keystore to hold secrets. Use the --force flag to overwrite the existing keystore.
Lists the keys in the keystore.
remove KEY
Removes the specified key from the keystore.


Valid with the add and create subcommands. When used with add, overwrites the specified key. When used with create, overwrites the keystore.
When used with add, uses the stdin as the source of the key’s value.
-h, --help
Shows help for the keystore command.

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat keystore create
heartbeat keystore add ES_PWD
heartbeat keystore remove ES_PWD
heartbeat keystore list

See Secrets keystore for more examples.

run command


Runs Heartbeat. This command is used by default if you start Heartbeat without specifying a command.


heartbeat run [FLAGS]


heartbeat [FLAGS]


-N, --N
Disables publishing for testing purposes. This option disables all outputs except the File output.
--cpuprofile FILE
Writes CPU profile data to the specified file. This option is useful for troubleshooting Heartbeat.
-h, --help
Shows help for the run command.
--httpprof [HOST]:PORT
Starts an http server for profiling. This option is useful for troubleshooting and profiling Heartbeat.
--memprofile FILE
Writes memory profile data to the specified output file. This option is useful for troubleshooting Heartbeat.
--system.hostfs MOUNT_POINT
Specifies the mount point of the host’s filesystem for use in monitoring a host. This flag is depricated, and an alternate hostfs should be specified via the hostfs module config value.

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat run -e


heartbeat -e

setup command


Sets up the initial environment, including the ES index template, and ILM policy and write alias

  • The index template ensures that fields are mapped correctly in Elasticsearch. If index lifecycle management is enabled it also ensures that the defined ILM policy and write alias are connected to the indices matching the index template. The ILM policy takes care of the lifecycle of an index, when to do a rollover, when to move an index from the hot phase to the next phase, etc.

This command sets up the environment without actually running Heartbeat and ingesting data. Specify optional flags to set up a subset of assets.


heartbeat setup [FLAGS]


-h, --help
Shows help for the setup command.
Sets up components related to Elasticsearch index management including template, ILM policy, and write alias (if supported and configured).

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat setup --index-management

test command


Tests the configuration.


heartbeat test SUBCOMMAND [FLAGS]


Tests the configuration settings.
Tests that Heartbeat can connect to the output by using the current settings.


-h, --help
Shows help for the test command.

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat test config

version command


Shows information about the current version.


heartbeat version [FLAGS]


-h, --help
Shows help for the version command.

Also see Global flags.


heartbeat version

Global flags


These global flags are available whenever you run Heartbeat.


Overrides a specific configuration setting. You can specify multiple overrides. For example:

heartbeat -E "name=mybeat" -E "output.elasticsearch.hosts=['http://myhost:9200']"

This setting is applied to the currently running Heartbeat process. The Heartbeat configuration file is not changed.

-c, --c FILE
Specifies the configuration file to use for Heartbeat. The file you specify here is relative to path.config. If the -c flag is not specified, the default config file, heartbeat.yml, is used.
Enables debugging for the specified selectors. For the selectors, you can specify a comma-separated list of components, or you can use -d "*" to enable debugging for all components. For example, -d "publisher" displays all the publisher-related messages.
-e, --e
Logs to stderr and disables syslog/file output.
For logging purposes, specifies the environment that Heartbeat is running in. This setting is used to select a default log output when no log output is configured. Supported values are: systemd, container, macos_service, and windows_service. If systemd or container is specified, Heartbeat will log to stdout and stderr by default.
Sets the path for configuration files. See the Directory layout section for details.
Sets the path for data files. See the Directory layout section for details.
Sets the path for miscellaneous files. See the Directory layout section for details.
Sets the path for log files. See the Directory layout section for details.
Sets strict permission checking on configuration files. The default is -strict.perms=true. See Config file ownership and permissions for more information.
-v, --v
Logs INFO-level messages.