Web crawler (beta)


Web crawler (beta)


The Elastic Enterprise Search web crawler is a beta feature. Beta features are subject to change and are not covered by the support SLA of general release (GA) features. Elastic plans to promote this feature to GA in a future release.

Since 7.11.0, Elastic Enterprise Search includes a web crawler. The web crawler discovers, extracts, and indexes your web content into your App Search engines.

Use the web crawler to transform your web content into searchable content. Complete the process in three steps:

Evaluate the web crawler


Before getting started, you may want to evaluate the web crawler for your use case.

See Web crawler (beta) FAQ.

Get started with the web crawler


When you’re ready to get started, watch the quick start video series:

Or, read the web crawler documentation:

Provide web crawler feedback


After you’ve tried the web crawler, please tell us about your experience. Report an issue, request a feature, or share what’s on your mind.

Visit the Web crawler feedback form.