On-demand webinar

Custom Kibana Visualizations with Vega

Hosted by:

Yuri Astrakhan


Custom visualizations in Kibana just got easier. The new Vega component enables users to create a variety of data visualizations available from the Vega library. Vega is a declarative format to create powerful and interactive data visualizations. Historically you needed to create a separate Kibana plugin for custom visualizations, now a world of visualizations are at your fingertips if you're comfortable with JSON. 

Yuri Astrakhan, Software Engineer, and Alex Francoeur, Senior Product Manager, demonstrate creating and customizing Kibana visualizations with Vega.

Highlights include:

  • Querying directly from Elasticsearch
  • Combine and augment data from multiple sources
  • Differences between Vega and VegaLite
  • Creating maps with Vega

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