Logstash 6.2.0 Release Notes


Logstash 6.2.0 Release Notes

  • Added support to protect sensitive settings and configuration in a keystore.
  • Added the jdbc_static filter as a default plugin.
  • Set better defaults to allow for higher throughput under load. (#8707 and #8702)
  • Set the default configuration for RPM/DEB/Docker installations to use Multiple pipelines.
  • Added a default max size value (100MB) for log files.
  • Added compression when log files are rolled (for ZIP-based installs).
  • Added the ability to specify --pipeline.id from the command line. (#8868)
  • Implemented continued improvements to the next generation of execution. Give it a try with the command line switch --experimental-java-execution.



Jdbc_static Filter

  • Released the initial version the jdbc_static filter, which enriches events with data pre-loaded from a remote database.

Dissect Filter

  • Fixed multiple bugs. See the plugin release notes for 1.1.3.

Grok Filter

  • Fixed a thread leak that occurred when Logstash was reloaded.

Kafka Output

  • Improved error logging for when a producer cannot be created.