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Logstash Configuration Files


Logstash has two types of configuration files: pipeline configuration files, which define the Logstash processing pipeline, and settings files, which specify options that control Logstash startup and execution.

Pipeline Configuration Files


You create pipeline configuration files when you define the stages of your Logstash processing pipeline. On deb and rpm, you place the pipeline configuration files in the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory. Logstash tries to load all files in the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory, so don’t store any non-config files or backup files in this directory.

See Configuring Logstash for more info.

Settings Files


The settings files are already defined in the Logstash installation. Logstash includes the following settings files:

Contains Logstash configuration flags. You can set flags in this file instead of passing the flags at the command line. Any flags that you set at the command line override the corresponding settings in the logstash.yml file. See Settings File for more info.
Contains JVM configuration flags. Specify each flag on a separate line. You can also use this file to set the locale for Logstash.
startup.options (Linux)
Contains options used by the system-install script in /usr/share/logstash/bin to build the appropriate startup script for your system. When you install the Logstash package, the system-install script executes at the end of the installation process and uses the settings specified in startup.options to set options such as the user, group, service name, and service description. By default, Logstash services are installed under the user logstash. The startup.options file makes it easier for you to install multiple instances of the Logstash service. You can copy the file and change the values for specific settings. Note that the startup.options file is not read at startup. If you want to change the Logstash startup script (for example, to change the Logstash user or read from a different configuration path), you must re-run the system-install script (as root) to pass in the new settings.
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