Logstash 2.4 Release Notes


Logstash 2.4 Release Notes

  • Backported the Event get/set API. These changes enable Logstash 2.4 to install plugins that use the 5.0 API (Issue 5449).
  • Added support for writing Logstash’s logs in JSON format. You can use the command-line flag --log-in-json to specify that Logstash write its own logs in JSON (Issue 1569).
  • Plugin Generator: Added a subcommand generate to bin/logstash-plugin. This bootstraps a new plugin with the correct directory structure and all the required files (templates).

Input Plugins



  • Beats input has been reimplemented using Netty, an asynchronous IO framework for Java. This rewrite for performance brings the plugin in line with the Logstash Forwarder + LS combination (Issue 92).