Command-line flags


Logstash has the following flags. You can use the --help flag to display this information.

-f, --config CONFIGFILE
 Load the Logstash config from a specific file, directory, or a wildcard. If
 given a directory or wildcard, config files will be read from the directory in
 alphabetical order.

 Use the given string as the configuration data. Same syntax as the config file.
 If not input is specified, 'stdin { type => stdin }' is default. If no output
 is specified, 'stdout { codec => rubydebug }}' is default.

-w, --filterworkers COUNT
 Sets the number of filter workers to run (default: half the number of cores)

-l, --log FILE
 Log to a given path. Default is to log to stdout

 Increase verbosity to the first level (info), less verbose.

 Increase verbosity to the last level (trace), more verbose.

-V, --version
  Display the version of Logstash.

-p, --pluginpath
  A path of where to find plugins. This flag can be given multiple times to include
  multiple paths. Plugins are expected to be in a specific directory hierarchy:
  'PATH/logstash/TYPE/NAME.rb' where TYPE is 'inputs' 'filters', 'outputs' or 'codecs'
  and NAME is the name of the plugin.

-t, --configtest
  Checks configuration and then exit. Note that grok patterns are not checked for
  correctness with this flag.
  Logstash can read multiple config files from a directory. If you combine this
  flag with `--debug`, Logstash will log the combined config file, annotating the
  individual config blocks with the source file it came from.

-h, --help
  Print help

 *DEPRECATED: see --verbose/debug* Increase verbosity. There are multiple levels
 of verbosity available with '-vv' currently being the highest