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Viewing infrastructure metrics


Viewing infrastructure metrics


When you select View Metrics for a component in your infrastructure from the Metrics app in Kibana, you can view detailed metrics for that component, and for any related components. You can also view additional component metadata.

Infrastructure View Metrics in Kibana

Specify the time and date range


Use the time filter to select the time and date range for the metrics.

To quickly select some popular time range options, click the calendar dropdown time filter calendar. In this popup you can choose from:

  • Quick select to choose a recent time range, and use the back and forward arrows to move through the time ranges
  • Commonly used to choose a time range from some commonly used options such as Last 15 minutes, Today, or Week to date
  • Refresh every to specify an auto-refresh rate

When you start auto-refresh from within this dialog, the calendar dropdown changes to a clock time filter clock.

For complete control over the start and end times, click the start time or end time shown in the bar beside the calendar dropdown. In this popup, you can choose from the Absolute, Relative or Now tabs, then specify the required options.

Refresh the metrics


You can click Refresh to manually refresh the metrics.

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