Alerting Set up


The Alerting feature is automatically enabled in Kibana, but might require some additional configuration.



If you are using an on-premises Elastic Stack deployment:

If you are using an on-premises Elastic Stack deployment with security:

Production considerations and scaling guidance


When relying on alerting and actions as mission critical services, make sure you follow the Alerting production considerations.

See Scaling guidance for more information on the scalability of Kibana alerting.



To access alerting in a space, a user must have access to one of the following features:

See feature privileges for more information on configuring roles that provide access to these features. Also note that a user will need read privileges for the Actions and Connectors feature to attach actions to a rule or to edit a rule that has an action attached to it.

Restrict actions


For security reasons you may wish to limit the extent to which Kibana can connect to external services. Action settings allows you to disable certain Connectors and allowlist the hostnames that Kibana can connect with.

Space isolation


Rules and connectors are isolated to the Kibana space in which they were created. A rule or connector created in one space will not be visible in another.



Rules, including all background detection and the actions they generate are authorized using an API key associated with the last user to edit the rule. Upon creating or modifying a rule, an API key is generated for that user, capturing a snapshot of their privileges at that moment in time. The API key is then used to run all background tasks associated with the rule including detection checks and executing actions.

If a rule requires certain privileges to run, such as index privileges, keep in mind that if a user without those privileges updates the rule, the rule will no longer function.