Advanced Configuration for Dashboard Only Mode


Advanced Configuration for Dashboard Only Mode


If X-Pack security is enabled, Kibana has a built-in kibana_dashboard_only_user role that grants read-only access to Kibana. This role is sufficient for most use cases. However, if your setup requires a custom Kibana index, you can create your own roles and tag them as Dashboard only mode.

Go to Management > Kibana > Advanced Settings and search for Dashboard. By default xpackDashboardMode:roles is set to kibana_dashboard_only_user. Here you can add as many roles as you like.

Advanced dashboard mode role setup

By default, a dashboard only mode user doesn’t have access to any data indices. To grant read-only access to your custom Kibana instance, you must assign the read Kibana privilege. These privileges are available under Management > Security > Roles.

For more information on roles and privileges, see User authorization.

Custom dashboard mode role with read permissions on a custom kibana index