Reporting Indices for Multiple Kibana Workspaces


Reporting Indices for Multiple Kibana Workspaces


If you divide workspaces in an Elastic cluster using multiple Kibana instances with a different kibana.index setting per instance, you must set a unique xpack.reporting.index setting per kibana.index. Otherwise, report generation will periodically fail if a report is queued through an instance with one kibana.index setting, and an instance with a different kibana.index attempts to claim the job.

Kibana instance A:

kibana.index: ".kibana-a"
xpack.reporting.index: ".reporting-a"
xpack.reporting.encryptionKey: "something_secret"

Kibana instance B:

kibana.index: ".kibana-b"
xpack.reporting.index: ".reporting-b"
xpack.reporting.encryptionKey: "something_secret"

If security is enabled, the xpack.reporting.index setting should begin with .reporting- in order for the kibana_system role to have the necessary privileges over the index.