Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.9.2


Review important information about the Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.9.2 release.

Known issues

PGP key download fails in an air-gapped environment


If you’re using an air-gapped environment, we recommended waiting for this issue to be resolved before installing 8.9.x or any higher version, to avoid being unable to upgrade.

Starting from version 8.9.0, when Elastic Agent tries to perform an upgrade, it first verifies the binary signature with the key bundled in the agent. This process has a backup mechanism that will use the key coming from https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elastic-agent instead of the one it already has.

In an air-gapped environment, the agent won’t be able to download the remote key and therefore cannot be upgraded.


For the upgrade to succeed, the agent needs to download the remote key from a server accessible from the air-gapped environment. Two workarounds are available.

Option 1

If an HTTP proxy is available to be used by the Elastic Agents in your Fleet, add the proxy settings using environment variables as explained in Proxy Server connectivity using default host variables. Please note that you need to enable HTTP Proxy usage for artifacts.elastic.co to bypass this problem, so you can craft the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables to be used exclusively for it.

Option 2

As the upgrade URL is not customizable, we have to "trick" the system by pointing https://artifacts.elastic.co/ to another host that will have the file.

The following examples require a server in your air-gapped environment that will expose the key you will have downloaded from https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elastic-agent`.

Example 1: Manual

Edit the Elastic Agent server hosts file to add the following content:

<YOUR_HOST_IP> artifacts.elastic.co

The Linux hosts file path is /etc/hosts.

Windows hosts file path is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Example 2: Puppet

host { 'elastic-artifacts':
  ensure       => 'present'
  comment      => 'Workaround for PGP check'
  ip           => '<YOUR_HOST_IP>'

Example 3: Ansible

- name  : 'elastic-artifacts'
  hosts : 'all'
  become: 'yes'

    - name: 'Add entry to /etc/hosts'
        path: '/etc/hosts'
        line: '<YOUR_HOST_IP> artifacts.elastic.co'


  • Adds the configuration setting xpack.fleet.packageVerification.gpgKeyPath as an environment variable in the Kibana container. #163783.
Elastic Agent
  • Adds logging to the restart step of the Elastic Agent upgrade rollback process. #3245

Bug fixes

Elastic Agent
  • Correctly identify retryable errors when attempting to uninstall on Windows. #3317