Configure monitoring for standalone Elastic Agents


Configure monitoring for standalone Elastic Agents


Elastic Agent monitors Beats by default. To turn off or change monitoring settings, set options under agent.monitoring in the elastic-agent.yml file.

This example configures Elastic Agent monitoring:

  # enabled turns on monitoring of running processes
  enabled: true
  # enables log monitoring
  logs: true
  # enables metrics monitoring
  metrics: true
  # specifies output to be used
  use_output: monitoring

To turn off monitoring, set agent.monitoring.enabled to false. When set to false, Beats monitoring is turned off, and all other options in this section are ignored.

To enable monitoring, set agent.monitoring.enabled to true. Also set the logs and metrics settings to control whether logs, metrics, or both are collected. If neither setting is specified, monitoring is turned off. Set use_output to specify the output to which monitoring events are sent.