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Use the elasticsearch-service-tokens command to create, list, and delete file-based service account tokens.


([create <service_account_principal> <token_name>]) |
([list] [<service_account_principal>]) |
([delete <service_account_principal> <token_name>])



This command creates a service_tokens file in the $ES_HOME/config directory when you create the first service account token. This file does not exist by default. Elasticsearch monitors this file for changes and dynamically reloads it.

See service accounts for more information.

To ensure that Elasticsearch can read the service account token information at startup, run elasticsearch-service-tokens as the same user you use to run Elasticsearch. Running this command as root or some other user updates the permissions for the service_tokens file and prevents Elasticsearch from accessing it.



Creates a service account token for the specified service account.

Properties of create

(Required, string) Service account principal that takes the format of <namespace>/<service>, where the namespace is a top-level grouping of service accounts, and service is the name of the service. For example, elastic/fleet-server.

The service account principal must match a known service account.


(Required, string) An identifier for the token name.

Token names must be at least 1 and no more than 256 characters. They can contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), dashes (-), and underscores (_), but cannot begin with an underscore.

Token names must be unique in the context of the associated service account.


Lists all service account tokens defined in the service_tokens file. If you specify a service account principal, the command lists only the tokens that belong to the specified service account.

Properties of list

(Optional, string) Service account principal that takes the format of <namespace>/<service>, where the namespace is a top-level grouping of service accounts, and service is the name of the service. For example, elastic/fleet-server.

The service account principal must match a known service account.


Deletes a service account token for the specified service account.

Properties of delete

(Required, string) Service account principal that takes the format of <namespace>/<service>, where the namespace is a top-level grouping of service accounts, and service is the name of the service. For example, elastic/fleet-server.

The service account principal must match a known service account.

(Required, string) Name of an existing token.



The following command creates a service account token named my-token for the elastic/fleet-server service account.

bin/elasticsearch-service-tokens create elastic/fleet-server my-token

The output is a bearer token, which is a Base64 encoded string.

SERVICE_TOKEN elastic/fleet-server/my-token = AAEAAWVsYXN0aWM...vZmxlZXQtc2VydmVyL3Rva2VuMTo3TFdaSDZ

Use this bearer token to authenticate with your Elasticsearch cluster.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer AAEAAWVsYXN0aWM...vZmxlZXQtc2VydmVyL3Rva2VuMTo3TFdaSDZ" http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health

If your node has set to true, then you must specify https in the request URL.

The following command lists all service account tokens that are defined in the service_tokens file.

bin/elasticsearch-service-tokens list

A list of all service account tokens displays in your terminal:


The following command deletes the my-token service account token for the elastic/fleet-server service account:

bin/elasticsearch-service-tokens delete elastic/fleet-server my-token
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