Health diagnostic settings in Elasticsearch


Health diagnostic settings in Elasticsearch


The following are the expert-level settings available for configuring an internal diagnostics service. The output of this service is currently exposed through the Health API Health API. It is not recommended to change any of these from their default values.

Cluster level settings

(Static) The amount of time a node looks back to see if it has observed a master at all, before moving on with other checks. Defaults to 30s (30 seconds).
(Static) The timeframe we record the master history to be used for diagnosing the cluster health. Master node changes older than this time will not be considered when diagnosing the cluster health. Defaults to 30m (30 minutes).
(Static) The number of master identity changes witnessed by a node that indicates the cluster is not healthy. Defaults to 4.
(Static) The number of transitions to no master witnessed by a node that indicates the cluster is not healthy. Defaults to 4.