AlibabaCloud AI Search inference service


AlibabaCloud AI Search inference service


Creates an inference endpoint to perform an inference task with the alibabacloud-ai-search service.



PUT /_inference/<task_type>/<inference_id>

Path parameters

(Required, string) The unique identifier of the inference endpoint.

(Required, string) The type of the inference task that the model will perform.

Available task types:

  • text_embedding,
  • sparse_embedding,
  • rerank.

Request body

(Required, string) The type of service supported for the specified task type. In this case, alibabacloud-ai-search.

(Required, object) Settings used to install the inference model.

These settings are specific to the alibabacloud-ai-search service.

(Required, string) A valid API key for the AlibabaCloud AI Search API.

(Required, string) The name of the model service to use for the inference task.

Available service_ids for the text_embedding task:

  • ops-text-embedding-001
  • ops-text-embedding-zh-001
  • ops-text-embedding-en-001
  • ops-text-embedding-002

For the supported text_embedding service_ids, refer to the documentation.

Available service_id for the sparse_embedding task:

  • ops-text-sparse-embedding-001

For the supported sparse_embedding service_id, refer to the documentation.

Available service_id for the rerank task is:

  • ops-bge-reranker-larger

For the supported rerank service_id, refer to the documentation.

(Required, string) The name of the host address used for the inference task. You can find the host address at the API keys section of the documentation.
(Required, string) The name of the workspace used for the inference task.

(Optional, object) By default, the alibabacloud-ai-search service sets the number of requests allowed per minute to 1000. This helps to minimize the number of rate limit errors returned from AlibabaCloud AI Search. To modify this, set the requests_per_minute setting of this object in your service settings:

"rate_limit": {
    "requests_per_minute": <<number_of_requests>>

(Optional, object) Settings to configure the inference task. These settings are specific to the <task_type> you specified.

task_settings for the text_embedding task type

(Optional, string) Specifies the type of input passed to the model. Valid values are:

  • ingest: for storing document embeddings in a vector database.
  • search: for storing embeddings of search queries run against a vector database to find relevant documents.
task_settings for the sparse_embedding task type

(Optional, string) Specifies the type of input passed to the model. Valid values are:

  • ingest: for storing document embeddings in a vector database.
  • search: for storing embeddings of search queries run against a vector database to find relevant documents.
(Optional, boolean) If true, the token name will be returned in the response. Defaults to false which means only the token ID will be returned in the response.

AlibabaCloud AI Search service examples


The following example shows how to create an inference endpoint called alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings to perform a text_embedding task type.

PUT _inference/text_embedding/alibabacloud_ai_search_embeddings
    "service": "alibabacloud-ai-search",
    "service_settings": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "service_id": "ops-text-embedding-001",
        "host": "",
        "workspace": "default"

The following example shows how to create an inference endpoint called alibabacloud_ai_search_sparse to perform a sparse_embedding task type.

PUT _inference/sparse_embedding/alibabacloud_ai_search_sparse
    "service": "alibabacloud-ai-search",
    "service_settings": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "service_id": "ops-text-sparse-embedding-001",
        "host": "",
        "workspace": "default"

The next example shows how to create an inference endpoint called alibabacloud_ai_search_rerank to perform a rerank task type.

PUT _inference/rerank/alibabacloud_ai_search_rerank
    "service": "alibabacloud-ai-search",
    "service_settings": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "service_id": "ops-bge-reranker-larger",
        "host": "",
        "workspace": "default"