
The executive guide to generative AI

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Elasticsearch-php only has three requirements that you need to pay attention:

  • PHP 7.1.0 or higher
  • Composer
  • ext-curl: the Libcurl extension for PHP (see note below)
  • Native JSON Extensions (ext-json) 1.3.7 or higher

The rest of the dependencies are automatically downloaded and installed by Composer. Composer is a package and dependency manager for PHP and makes it easy to install Elasticsearch-php.

Libcurl can be replaced

The default HTTP handlers that ship with Elasticsearch-php require the PHP libcurl extension, but it is not technically required for the client to operate. If you have a host that does not have libcurl installed, you can use an alternate HTTP handler based on PHP streams. Performance will suffer, as the libcurl extension is much faster.

Version Matrix


You need to match your version of Elasticsearch to the appropriate version of this library.

The master branch will always track Elasticsearch master, but it is not recommended to use dev-master in your production code.

Elasticsearch Version Elasticsearch-PHP Branch

>= 7.0, < 8.0


>= 6.6, ⇐ 6.7


>= 6.0, ⇐ 6.5


>= 5.0, < 6.0


>= 1.0, < 5.0

1.0, 2.0

⇐ 0.90.*


Composer Installation

  • Include elasticsearch-php in your composer.json file. If you are starting a new project, paste the following JSON snippet into a new file called composer.json. If you have an existing project, include this requirement under the rest of requirements already present:

        "require": {
            "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "~7.0"
  • Install the client with Composer. The first command downloads the composer.phar PHP package, the second command invokes the installation. Composer automatically downloads any dependencies, store them in a /vendor/ directory and build an autoloader:

    curl -s | php
    php composer.phar install

    More information about Composer can be found at their website.

  • Include the generated autoloader in your main project. If your project is already based on Composer, the autoloader is likely already included somewhere and you don’t need to add it again. Finally, instantiate a new client:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $client = Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create()->build();

    Client instantiation is performed with a static helper function create(). This creates a ClientBuilder object, which helps you to set custom configurations. When you are done configuring, call the build() method to generate a Client object. For further info, consult the Configuration section.

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