Delete by Query

client.DeleteByQuery<ElasticsearchProject>(q => q
    .Query(rq => rq
        .Term(f => f.Name, "")

Elasticsearch allows you to delete over multiple types and indexes, so does NEST.

client.DeleteByQuery<ElasticSearchProject>(q => q
    .Indices(new[] {"index1", "index2"})
    .Query(rq => rq
        .Term(f => f.Name, "")

As always *Async variants are available too.

You can also delete by query over all the indices and types:

client.DeleteByQuery<ElasticSearchProject>(q => q
    .Query(rq => rq
        .Term(f => f.Name, "")

The DeleteByQuery can be further controlled…​

client.DeleteByQuery<ElasticSearchProject>(q => q
    .Query(rq => rq
        .Term(f => f.Name, "")

Object Initializer Syntax


The above can also be accomplished using the object initializer syntax:

var request = new DeleteByQueryRequest<ElasticsearchProject>
    Query = new QueryContainer(
            new TermQuery
                Field = "name",
                Value = ""
    Routing = "nest",
    Replication = Replication.Sync
