GeoShape Query


See GeoShape Query

Note: the geo_shape type uses Spatial4J and JTS, both of which are optional dependencies. Consequently you must add Spatial4J and JTS to your classpath in order to use this type:


// Import Spatial4J shapes
import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
import com.spatial4j.core.shape.impl.RectangleImpl;

// Also import ShapeRelation
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.ShapeRelation;
// Shape within another
                new RectangleImpl(0,10,0,10,SpatialContext.GEO))

// Intersect shapes
                new PointImpl(0, 0, SpatialContext.GEO))

// Using pre-indexed shapes
QueryBuilders.geoShapeQuery("location", "New Zealand", "countries")