Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.7.0


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.7.0



  • Add a new role for APM Server 8.7.0+ #6605
  • Remove deprecation note for APM Server standalone #6601 (issue: #6207)
  • Expose all fields below spec in eck-elasticsearch Helm chart #6492 (issue: #6451)
  • Allow optional SSL client authentication setting #6440 (issue: #6369)
  • Allow setting of volumeClaimDeletePolicy in eck-elasticsearch Helm chart #6409 (issue: #6249)
  • Update ECK OperatorHub capability level to L4 #6318
  • Support auth for custom users and roles in eck-elasticsearch Helm chart #6306
  • Do not overwrite deployment status when reconciling #6302
  • Move to vX.X.X tags for easier go module imports #6298 (issue: #6134)

Bug fixes

  • Add missing maps webhook, fix inconsistencies #6489 (issues: #6151, #6152)
  • Fix handling of unmanaged esRef in Beats Stack Monitoring #6482 (issues: #5880, #6230)
  • Fix EnterpriseSearch upgrade with TLS disabled #6224 (issue: #6185)

Documentation improvements

  • Update OpenShift supported versions to 4.8-4.12 #6597
  • Update Kubernetes supported versions to 1.22-1.26 #6593 (issue: #6571)
  • Document FIPS image and OpenShift default namespace limitation #6428 (issue: #6332)
  • Adding an exhaustive list of Helm chart values to eck-elasticsearch Helm chart #6336 (issue: #6187)
  • Update Logstash recipe #6333 (issues: #6258, #6328)
  • Fix yaml Kibana example in saml authentication doc #6301
  • Fix minor typo in upgrading-eck doc #6198


  • Update module github.com/prometheus/common to v0.42.0 #6500
  • Update docker.io/library/golang Docker tag to v1.20.2 #6497
  • Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.7.0 #6486
  • Update module golang.org/x/text to v0.8.0 #6484
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.14.5 #6474
  • Update module k8s.io/klog/v2 to v2.90.1 #6473
  • Update k8s to v0.26.2 #6466
  • Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.2 #6456
  • Update module github.com/gobuffalo/flect to v1.0.2 #6455
  • Update registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal Docker tag to v8.7-1085 #6438
  • Update module github.com/hashicorp/vault/api to v1.9.0 #6403
  • Update github.com/dgryski/go-lttb digest to f8fc36c #6387
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools to v0.11.3 #6366
  • Update module github.com/google/go-containerregistry to v0.13.0 #6353
  • Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.15.0 #6343
  • Update module gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v3 #6252
  • Update module github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru to v2 #6251
  • Update module github.com/go-test/deep to v1.1.0 #6222
  • Update module github.com/magiconair/properties to v1.8.7 #6217
  • Update module go.uber.org/zap to v1.24.0 #6202
  • Update module github.com/Masterminds/sprig/v3 to v3.2.3 #6197