1.9.1 release highlights


New and notable


New and notable changes in version 1.9.1 of Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. Check Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 1.9.1 for the full list of changes.

Mitigate CVE-2021-44228 in vulnerable Elasticsearch clusters


This release introduces a preemptive measure to mitigate Log4Shell vulnerability in Elasticsearch versions below 7.2.

Known issues

  • On Openshift versions 4.6 and below, when installing or upgrading to 1.9.[0,1], the operator will be stuck in a state of Installing within the Openshift UI, and seen in a CrashLoopBackoff within Kubernetes because of Webhook certificate location mismatches. More information and workaround can be found in this issue.
  • When using the elasticsearchRef mechanism with Elastic Agent in version 7.17 and later its Pods will enter a CrashLoopBackoff. The issue will be fixed in ECK 2.0 for Elasticsearch versions 8.0 and above. A workaround is described in this issue.