Elasticsearch autoscaling


Elasticsearch autoscaling requires a valid Enterprise license or Enterprise trial license. See the license documentation for more details about managing licenses.

This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

ECK can leverage the autoscaling API introduced in Elasticsearch 7.11 to adjust automatically the number of Pods and the allocated resources in a tier. Currently, autoscaling is supported for Elasticsearch data tiers and machine learning nodes.

Enable autoscaling


To enable autoscaling on an Elasticsearch cluster, you need to define one or more autoscaling policies. Each autoscaling policy applies to one or more NodeSets which share the same set of roles specified in the node.roles setting in the Elasticsearch configuration.

Define autoscaling policies

Autoscaling policies can be defined in the elasticsearch.alpha.elastic.co/autoscaling-spec annotation of the Elasticsearch resource. Each autoscaling policy must have the following fields:

  • name is a unique name used to identify the autoscaling policy.
  • roles contains a set of node roles, unique across all the autoscaling policies, used to identify the NodeSets to which this policy applies. At least one NodeSet with the exact same set of roles must exist in the Elasticsearch resource specification.
  • resources helps define the minimum and maximum compute resources usage:

    • nodeCount defines the minimum and maximum nodes allowed in the tier.
    • cpu and memory enforce minimum and maximum compute resources usage for the Elasticsearch container.
    • storage enforces minimum and maximum storage request per PersistentVolumeClaim.
    "policies": [{
      "name": "data-ingest",
      "roles": ["data", "ingest" , "transform"],
      "resources": {
          "nodeCount": { "min": 3, "max": 8 },
          "cpu": { "min": 2, "max": 8 },
          "memory": { "min": "2Gi", "max": "16Gi" },
          "storage": { "min": "64Gi", "max": "512Gi" }
      "name": "ml",
      "roles": ["ml"],
      "resources": {
          "nodeCount": { "min": 1, "max": 9 },
          "cpu": { "min": 1, "max": 4 },
          "memory": { "min": "2Gi", "max": "8Gi" }

A node role should not be referenced in more than one autoscaling policy.

In the case of storage the following restrictions apply:

  • Scaling the storage size automatically requires the ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes feature to be enabled. It also requires a storage class that supports volume expansion.
  • Only one persistent volume claim per Elasticsearch node is supported when autoscaling is enabled.
  • Volume size cannot be scaled down.
Set the limits

The value set for memory and CPU limits are computed by applying a ratio to the calculated resource request. For memory, the default ratio between the request and the limit is 1. This means that request and limit have the same value. For CPU the default ratio is 0, which means that no limit is set. You can change the default ratio between the request and the limit for both the CPU and memory ranges by using the requestsToLimitsRatio field.

For example, you can remove the memory limit and set a CPU limit to twice the value of the request, as follows:

    "policies": [{
        "name": "data-ingest-hot",
        "roles": ["data_hot", "ingest", "transform"],
        "resources": {
            "nodeCount": {
                "min": 2,
                "max": 5
            "cpu": {
                "min": 1,
                "max": 2,
                "requestsToLimitsRatio": 2
            "memory": {
                "min": "2Gi",
                "max": "6Gi",
                "requestsToLimitsRatio": 0

You can find a complete example in the ECK GitHub repository which will also show you how to fine-tune the autoscaling deciders.

Change the polling interval

The Elasticsearch autoscaling capacity endpoint is polled every minute by the operator. This interval duration can be controlled using the pollingPeriod field in the autoscaling specification:

    "pollingPeriod": "42s",
    "policies": [{
        "name": "data-ingest-hot",
        "roles": ["data_hot", "ingest", "transform"],
        "resources": {
            "nodeCount": {
                "min": 2,
                "max": 5
            "cpu": {
                "min": 1,
                "max": 2
            "memory": {
                "min": "2Gi",
                "max": "6Gi"



In addition to the logs generated by the operator, an autoscaling status is stored in the elasticsearch.alpha.elastic.co/autoscaling-status annotation. The autoscaling status is a JSON document which describes the expected resources for each NodeSet managed by an autoscaling policy. It may also contain important messages about the state of the tier.

	"policies": [
			"name": "data-ingest-hot",
			"nodeSets": [{
				"name": "data-ingest-hot",
				"nodeCount": 5
			"resources": {
				"limits": {
					"cpu": "2",
					"memory": "6Gi"
				"requests": {
					"cpu": "2",
					"memory": "6Gi",
					"storage": "6Gi"
			"state": [{
				"type": "HorizontalScalingLimitReached",
				"messages": [
					"Can't provide total required storage 32588740338, max number of nodes is 5, requires 6 nodes"
			"lastModificationTime": "2021-03-09T17:01:25Z"

Important events are also reported through Kubernetes events, for example when the maximum autoscaling size limit is reached:

> kubectl get events

40m  Warning  HorizontalScalingLimitReached  elasticsearch/sample   Can't provide total required storage 32588740338, max number of nodes is 5, requires 6 nodes

Disable autoscaling


You can disable autoscaling at any time by removing the elasticsearch.alpha.elastic.co/autoscaling-spec annotation from the Elasticsearch resource metadata.

For machine learning the following settings are not automatically reset:

  • xpack.ml.max_ml_node_size
  • xpack.ml.max_lazy_ml_nodes
  • xpack.ml.use_auto_machine_memory_percent

You should adjust those settings manually to match the size of your deployment when you disable autoscaling.