

The configuration template for Elasticsearch instances, Kibana instances, and APM Servers.


config_version (integer as int32)
If the IC is configuration controlled, this field is the version either being read back (reads return the latest IC unless specified by the 'config_version' URL param), or the version to update. Cannot be used in creates. For unversioned IC reads it is left empty.
cpu_multiplier (number as double)
Settings for the instance CPU multiplier
description (string)
Optional description for the instance configuration
discrete_sizes (DiscreteSizes, required)
Numerics representing possible instance sizes that the instance configuration supports.
id (string)
Unique identifier for the instance configuration
instance_type (string; allowed values: [elasticsearch, kibana, apm, integrations_server, appsearch, enterprise_search])
The type of instance. For instance configurations where the type is specified in the 'id', the default value of 'instance_type' will be automatically inferred.
max_zones (integer as int32)
The maximum number of availability zones in which this instance configuration has allocators. This field will be missing unless explicitly requested with the show_max_zones parameter.
metadata (object)
Optional arbitrary metadata to associate with this template.
name (string, required)
Display name for the instance configuration.
node_types (array[string])
Node types (master, data) for the instance. For instance configurations where the type (and tier) is specified in the 'id', the default value of 'node_types' will be automatically inferred.
storage_multiplier (number as double)
Settings for the instance storage multiplier


   "config_version" : 0,
   "cpu_multiplier" : 0.1,
   "description" : "string",
   "discrete_sizes" : {
      "default_size" : 0,
      "resource" : "string",
      "sizes" : [
   "id" : "string",
   "instance_type" : "string",
   "max_zones" : 0,
   "metadata" : {},
   "name" : "string",
   "node_types" : [
   "storage_multiplier" : 0.1