

This structure defines a curated subset of the AppSearch settings. (This field together with 'user_settings_override_' and 'user_settings_' defines the total set of AppSearch settings)


elasticsearch_password (string)
Optionally override the account within App Search - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the username must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
elasticsearch_url (string)
Optionally override the URL to which to send data (for advanced users only, if unspecified the system selects an internal URL)
elasticsearch_username (string)
Optionally override the account within App Search - defaults to a system account that always exists (if specified, the password must also be specified). Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.
secret_session_key (string)
Optionally override the secret session key within App Search - defaults to the previously existing secretSession. Note that this field is never returned from the API, it is write only.


   "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
   "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
   "secret_session_key" : "string"