

The details for an Elastic Stack configuration.


accessible (boolean)
Whether or not this version is accessible by the calling user. This is only relevant in EC (SaaS) and is not sent in ECE.
apm (StackVersionApmConfig)
The APM Server configuration for an Elastic Stack version.
appsearch (StackVersionAppSearchConfig)
AppSearch related configuration of an Elastic Stack version
deleted (boolean)
Identifies that the Elastic Stack version is marked for deletion
elasticsearch (StackVersionElasticsearchConfig, required)
The Elasticsearch configuration for an Elastic Stack version.
enterprise_search (StackVersionEnterpriseSearchConfig)
EnterpriseSearch related configuration of an Elastic Stack version
kibana (StackVersionKibanaConfig, required)
The Kibana configuration for an Elastic Stack version.
metadata (StackVersionMetadata)
The metadata for the Elastic Stack.
min_upgradable_from (string)

The minimum version recommended to upgrade this version.

Example: "6.7.0"

template (StackVersionTemplateInfo, required)
The template information for an Elastic Stack version.
upgradable_to (array[string], required)
Stack Versions that this version can upgrade to
version (string)
Stack version
whitelisted (boolean)
Whether or not this version is whitelisted. This is only relevant in EC (SaaS) and is not sent in ECE.


   "accessible" : true,
   "apm" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "appsearch" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "node_types" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "mandatory" : true,
            "name" : "string",
            "node_type" : "string",
            "settings" : {}
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "deleted" : true,
   "elasticsearch" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "default_plugins" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "node_types" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "mandatory" : true,
            "name" : "string",
            "node_type" : "string",
            "settings" : {}
      "plugins" : [
      "settings" : {}
   "enterprise_search" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "node_types" : [
            "capacity_constraints" : {
               "max" : 0,
               "min" : 0
            "compatible_node_types" : [
            "description" : "string",
            "mandatory" : true,
            "name" : "string",
            "node_type" : "string",
            "settings" : {}
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "kibana" : {
      "blacklist" : [
      "capacity_constraints" : {
         "max" : 0,
         "min" : 0
      "compatible_node_types" : [
      "docker_image" : "string",
      "settings" : {},
      "version" : "string"
   "metadata" : {
      "min_platform_version" : "string",
      "notes" : "string",
      "pre_release" : true,
      "schema_version" : 0
   "min_upgradable_from" : "string",
   "template" : {
      "hashes" : [
            "hash" : "string",
            "path" : "string"
      "template_version" : "string"
   "upgradable_to" : [
   "version" : "string",
   "whitelisted" : true