Security Module


This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

The security module processes event log records from the Security log.

The module has transformations for the following event IDs:

  • 1100 - The event logging service has shut down.
  • 1102 - The audit log was cleared.
  • 1104 - The security log is now full.
  • 1105 - Event log automatic backup.
  • 1108 - The event logging service encountered an error while processing an incoming event published from %1
  • 4624 - An account was successfully logged on.
  • 4625 - An account failed to log on.
  • 4634 - An account was logged off.
  • 4647 - User initiated logoff (interactive logon types).
  • 4648 - A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.
  • 4672 - Special privileges assigned to new logon.
  • 4688 - A new process has been created.
  • 4689 - A process has exited.
  • 4719 - System audit policy was changed.
  • 4720 - A user account was created.
  • 4722 - A user account was enabled.
  • 4723 - An attempt was made to change an account’s password.
  • 4724 - An attempt was made to reset an account’s password.
  • 4725 - An user account was disabled.
  • 4726 - An user account was deleted.
  • 4727 - A security-enabled global group was created.
  • 4728 - A member was added to a security-enabled global group.
  • 4729 - A member was removed from a security-enabled global group.
  • 4730 - A security-enabled global group was deleted.
  • 4731 - A security-enabled local group was created
  • 4732 - A member was added to a security-enabled local group.
  • 4733 - A member was removed from a security-enabled local group.
  • 4734 - A security-enabled local group was deleted.
  • 4735 - A security-enabled local group was changed.
  • 4737 - A security-enabled global group was changed.
  • 4738 - An user account was changed.
  • 4740 - An user account was locked out.
  • 4741 - A computer account was created.
  • 4742 - A computer account was changed.
  • 4743 - A computer account was deleted.
  • 4744 - A security-disabled local group was created.
  • 4745 - A security-disabled local group was changed.
  • 4746 - A member was added to a security-disabled local group.
  • 4747 - A member was removed from a security-disabled local group.
  • 4748 - A security-disabled local group was deleted.
  • 4749 - A security-disabled global group was created.
  • 4750 - A security-disabled global group was changed.
  • 4751 - A member was added to a security-disabled global group.
  • 4752 - A member was removed from a security-disabled global group.
  • 4753 - A security-disabled global group was deleted.
  • 4754 - A security-enabled universal group was created.
  • 4755 - A security-enabled universal group was changed.
  • 4756 - A member was added to a security-enabled universal group.
  • 4757 - A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group.
  • 4758 - A security-enabled universal group was deleted.
  • 4759 - A security-disabled universal group was created.
  • 4760 - A security-disabled universal group was changed.
  • 4761 - A member was added to a security-disabled universal group.
  • 4762 - A member was removed from a security-disabled universal group.
  • 4763 - A security-disabled global group was deleted.
  • 4764 - A group’s type was changed.
  • 4767 - An account was unlocked.
  • 4781 - The name of an account was changed.
  • 4798 - A user’s local group membership was enumerated.
  • 4799 - A security-enabled local group membership was enumerated.

More event IDs will be added.


  - name: Security
      - script:
          lang: javascript
          id: security
          file: ${path.home}/module/security/config/winlogbeat-security.js