azure module


This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

This is the azure module.

The Azure Monitor feature collects and aggregates logs and metrics from a variety of sources into a common data platform where it can be used for analysis, visualization, and alerting.

The azure monitor metrics are numerical values that describe some aspect of a system at a particular point in time. They are collected at regular intervals and are identified with a timestamp, a name, a value, and one or more defining labels.

The azure module will periodically retrieve the azure monitor metrics using the Azure REST APIs as MetricList. Additional azure API calls will be executed in order to retrieve information regarding the resources targeted by the user.

The azure module mericsets are monitor, compute_vm and compute_vm_scaleset



The azure module comes with several predefined dashboards for virtual machines, VM guest metrics and virtual machine scale sets.

The VM overview dashboard shows information about CPU, memory, disk usage as well as operations per second. The two available filters help narrowing down the dashbord to specific regions and/or resource groups. For example:

metricbeat azure vm overview

If VM guest metrics are enabled then the guest metrics overview dashboard can help with monitoring ASP.NET applications and SQL Server metrics. For example:

metricbeat azure vm guestmetrics overview

The virtual machine scale sets dashboard is similar to the VM dashboard and shows relevant health information about running vm scale sets. For example:

metricbeat azure vmss overview

Module-specific configuration notes


All the tasks executed against the Azure Monitor REST API will use the Azure Resource Manager authentication model. Therefore, all requests must be authenticated with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). One approach to authenticate the client application is to create an Azure AD service principal and retrieve the authentication (JWT) token. For a more detailed walk-through, have a look at using Azure PowerShell to create a service principal to access resources It is also possible to create a service principal via the Azure portal Users will have to make sure the roles assigned to the application contain at least reading permissions to the monitor data, more on the roles here

Required credentials for the azure module:

The unique identifier for the application (also known as Application Id)
The client/application secret/key
The unique identifier for the azure subscription
The unique identifier of the Azure Active Directory instance

Users can use the azure credentials keys if configured AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID





This metricset allows users to retrieve metrics from specified resources. Added filters can apply here as the interval of retrieving these metrics, metric names, aggregation list, namespaces and metric dimensions.



This metricset will collect metrics from the virtual machines, these metrics will have a timegrain every 5 minutes, so the period for compute_vm metricset should be 300s or multiples of 300s.



This metricset will collect metrics from the virtual machine scalesets, these metrics will have a timegrain every 5 minutes, so the period for compute_vm_scaleset metricset should be 300s or multiples of 300s.

Additional notes about metrics and costs


Costs: Metric queries are charged based on the number of standard API calls. More information on pricing here

Authentication: we are handling authentication on our side (creating/renewing the authentication token), so we advise users to use dedicated credentials for metricbeat only.

Example configuration


The azure module supports the standard configuration options that are described in Specify which modules to run. Here is an example configuration:

- module: azure
  - monitor
  enabled: true
  period: 300s
  client_id: '${AZURE_CLIENT_ID:""}'
  client_secret: '${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET:""}'
  tenant_id: '${AZURE_TENANT_ID:""}'
  subscription_id: '${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID:""}'
    - resource_query: "resourceType eq 'Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts'"
      - name: ["DataUsage", "DocumentCount", "DocumentQuota"]
        namespace: "Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts"

- module: azure
  - compute_vm
  enabled: true
  period: 300s
  client_id: '${AZURE_CLIENT_ID:""}'
  client_secret: '${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET:""}'
  tenant_id: '${AZURE_TENANT_ID:""}'
  subscription_id: '${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID:""}'

- module: azure
  - compute_vm_scaleset
  enabled: true
  period: 300s
  client_id: '${AZURE_CLIENT_ID:""}'
  client_secret: '${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET:""}'
  tenant_id: '${AZURE_TENANT_ID:""}'
  subscription_id: '${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID:""}'



The following metricsets are available: