Beats version 7.0.0


The list below covers the changes during the 7.0.0-alpha1, -alpha2, -beta1, -rc1 and -rc2 releases.

Also read 7.0 for more detail about changes that affect upgrade.

Breaking changes


Affecting all Beats

  • Empty meta.json file will be treated as a missing meta file. 8558
  • Removed dashboards and index patterns generation for Kibana 5. 8927
  • On systems with systemd, the Beats log is now written to journald by default rather than file. To revert this behaviour override BEAT_LOG_OPTS with an empty value. 8942.
  • Automatically cap signed integers to 63 bits. 8991
  • Use _doc as document type. 9056
  • Update add_cloud_metadata fields to adjust to ECS. 9265
  • Rename beat.timezone to event.timezone. 9458
  • Embedded html is not escaped anymore by default. 9914
  • Remove port settings from Logstash and Redis output. 9934
  • Rename process.exe to process.executable in add_process_metadata to align with ECS. 9949
  • Remove --configtest command line flag. 10138
  • Remove --setup command line flag. 10138
  • Remove --version command line flag. 10138
  • Import ECS change ecs#308: leaf field is now the group field set. 10275
  • Docker and Kubernetes labels/annotations will be "dedoted" by default. 10338
  • ILM will be available by default if Elasticsearch > 7.0 is used. 10347
  • Move output.elasticsearch.ilm settings to setup.ilm. 10347
  • On Google Cloud Engine (GCE) the add_cloud_metadata will now trim the project info from the cloud.machine.type and cloud.availability_zone. 10968
  • Rename migration.enabled config to migration.6_to_7.enabled. 11284


  • Rename to agent.type, beat.hostname to agent.hostname, beat.version to agent.version.
  • Use initial_scan action for new paths. 7954
  • Remove warning for deprecated option: filters. 9002
  • Rename source.hostname to source.domain in the auditd module. 9027
  • Rename process.exe to process.executable in auditd module to align with ECS. 9949
  • Rename process.cwd to process.working_directory in auditd module to align with ECS. 10195
  • Change data type of and process.ppid to number in JSON output of the auditd module. 10195
  • Change data type of file.uid and file.gid to string in JSON output of the FIM module. 10195
  • Rename user fields to ECS in auditd module. 10456
  • Rename event.type to auditd.message_type in auditd module because event.type is reserved for future use by ECS. 10536
  • Field file.origin changed type from text to keyword. 10544
  • Rename auditd.messages to event.original and auditd.warnings to error.message. 10577
  • Process dataset: Only report processes with executable. 11232
  • Shorten entity IDs. 11405


  • Rename to 8879
  • Rename fileset.module to event.module. 8879
  • Rename source to log.file.path and log.source.ip. 8902
  • Remove the deprecated prospectors option in the configuration. Use inputs instead. 8909
  • Rename offset to log.offset. 8923
  • Modify apache/error dataset to follow ECS. 8963
  • Rename source_ecs to source in the Filebeat Suricata module. 8983
  • Remove warnings for deprecated options: spool_size, publish_async, idle_timeout. 9002
  • Rename many traefik.access.* fields to map to ECS. 9005
  • Rename many nginx.access.* fields to map to ECS. 9081
  • Rename many iis.access.* fields to map to ECS. 9084
  • IIS module’s user agent string is no longer encoded (+ replaced with spaces). 9084
  • Rename many haproxy.* fields to map to ECS. 9117
  • Rename many system.syslog.* fields to map to ECS. 9135
  • Rename many system.auth.* fields to map to ECS. 9138
  • Rename many apache2.access.* fields to map to ECS. 9245
  • Rename a few elasticsearch.audit.* fields to map to ECS. 9293
  • Rename many kibana.log.* fields to map to ECS. 9301
  • Rename apache2 module to apache. 9402
  • Fix parsing of GC entries in elasticsearch server log. 9513 9810
  • Rename read_timestamp to event.created for Redis input. 9924
  • Rename a few logstash.* fields to map to ECS. Remove logstash.slowlog.message. 9935
  • Rename many iis.error.* fields to map to ECS. 9955
  • Rename a few nginx.error.* fields to map to ECS. 10007
  • Rename a few mysql.* fields to map to ECS. 10008
  • Rename a few mongodb.* fields to map to ECS. 10009
  • Remove from Elastcsearch module. Replace with service.type. 10042
  • Rename read_timestamp to event.created for all Filebeat modules using it. 10139
  • Now save the first seen timestamp in event.created (previously read_timestamp), instead of saving the parsed date. Now aligned with event.created semantics elsewhere. 10139
  • Adjust fileset haproxy.log to map to ECS. 10143
  • Rename mysql.error.thread_id and to mysql.thread_id. 10161
  • Remove mysql.error.timestamp and mysql.slowlog.timestamp. 10161
  • Rename multiple fields to http.response.body.bytes, from modules "apache", "iis", "kibana", "nginx" and "traefik", including http.response.content_length (ECS). 10188
  • Rename many auditd.log.* fields to map to ECS. 10192
  • Remove numeric coercions for and IDs should be keyword. 10233
  • Migrate multiple fields to event.duration, from modules "apache", "elasticsearch", "haproxy", "iis", "kibana", "mysql", "nginx", "postgresql" and "traefik", including http.response.elapsed_time (ECS). 10188, 10274
  • Ingesting Elasticsearch audit logs is only supported with Elasticsearch 6.5.0 and above. 10352
  • Migrate Elasticsearch audit logs fields to ECS. 10352
  • Change type of haproxy.log fileset fields from text to keyword: response.captured_headers, request.captured_headers, raw_request_line, mode. 10397
  • Remove field kafka.log.trace.full from kafka.log fileset. 10398
  • Change field kafka.log.class for kafka.log fileset from text to keyword. 10398
  • Change type of field backend_url and frontend_name in traefik.access metricset to type keyword. 10401
  • Several text fields in the Elasticsearch module are now indexed as keyword fields with text multi-fields (ECS). 10414
  • Several text fields in the Logstash module are now indexed as keyword fields with text multi-fields (ECS). 10417
  • Move dissect pattern for traefik.access fileset from Filbeat to Elasticsearch. 10442
  • The elasticsearch/deprecation fileset now indexes the component field under elasticsearch instead of elasticsearch.server. 10445
  • Rename setting filebeat.registry_flush to filebeat.registry.flush. 10504
  • Rename setting filebeat.registry_file_permission to filebeat.registry.file_permission. 10504
  • Remove setting filebeat.registry_file in favor of filebeat.registry.path. The registry file will be stored in a sub-directory now. 10504
  • Address add_kubernetes_metadata processor issue where old source field is still used for matcher. 10505 10506
  • Change type of haproxy.source from text to keyword. 10506
  • Rename event.type to suricata.eve.event_type in Suricata module because event.type is reserved for future use by ECS. 10575
  • Set ecs: true in user_agent processors when loading pipelines with Filebeat 7.0.x into Elasticsearch 6.7.x. 10655 10875


  • A number of fields have been aliased to their relevant counterparts in the url.* field. Existing visualizations should mostly work. The fields that have been moved are monitor.scheme -> url.scheme, -> url.domain, -> url.domain, http.url -> url.full, tcp.port -> url.port. In addition to these moves the new fields url.username, url.password, url.path, and url.query are now present. It should be noted that the url.password field does not contain actual password values, but rather the text <hidden> 9570.
  • Monitor IDs are now configurable. Auto generated monitor IDs now use a different formula based on a hash of their config values. To have continuity with the old format of monitor IDs, set the id property explicitly. 9697
  • The included Kibana HTTP dashboard is now removed in favor of the Uptime app in Kibana. 10294


  • Rename to host.hostname to align with ECS. 10043
  • Rename read_timestamp to event.created to align with ECS. 10043, 10139
  • Fix typo in the field name container.id_truncated. 10525
  • Change type of text fields to keyword. 10542
  • Rename container.image.tag to container.log.tag. 10561


  • event.duration is now in nano and not microseconds anymore. 8941
  • Remove warning for deprecated option: filters. 9002
  • Refactor Prometheus metric mappings. 9948
  • Remove Prometheus stats metricset in favor of just using Prometheus collector. 9948
  • Rename http.request.body field to http.request.body.content. 10315
  • Change the following fields from type text to keyword: 10318
  • ceph.osd_tree.children
  • kafka.consumergroup.meta
  • mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.network_interface
  • php_fpm.process.request_uri
  • php_fpm.process.script
  • Adjust metricset fields to ECS. 10319
  • Refactor munin module to collect an event per plugin and to have more strict field mappings. The namespace option has been removed and will be replaced by 10322
  • Migrate system process metricset fields to ECS. 10332
  • Migrate system socket metricset fields to ECS. 10339
  • Renamed direction values in sockets to ECS recommendations, from incoming/outcoming to inbound/outbound. 10339
  • Update a few elasticsearch.* fields to map to ECS. 10350
  • Update a few kibana.* fields to map to ECS. 10350
  • Update a few logstash.* fields to map to ECS. 10350
  • Change type of field docker.container.ip_addresses to ip instead of keyword. 10364
  • Adjust php_fpm.process metricset fields to ECS. 10366
  • Adjust mongodb.status metricset to to ECS. 10368
  • Add option to all modules to explicitly set if it is unset. 10427
  • Update rabbitmq.* fields to map to ECS. 10563
  • Update haproxy.* fields to map to ECS. 10558 10568
  • Collect all EC2 metadata from all instances in all states. 10628
  • Migrate docker module to ECS. 10927
  • Add connection and request timeouts for HTTP helper. 11032


  • Change Packetbeat fields to align with ECS. 7968
  • Rename the flow event fields to follow ECS. 9121
  • Rename several client and server fields. IP, port, and process metadata are now contained under the client and server namespaces. 9303
  • Adjust Packetbeat http fields to ECS. 9645
  • http.request.body moves to http.request.body.content
  • http.response.body moves to http.response.body.content
  • Remove trailing dot from domain names reported by the DNS protocol. 9941


  • Adjust Winlogbeat fields to map to ECS. 10333



Affecting all Beats

  • Fix support of add_docker_metadata in Windows by identifying systems' path separator. 7797
  • Fix -d CLI flag by trimming spaces from selectors. 7864
  • Start autodiscover consumers before producers. 7926
  • Fix exclude_labels when there are dotted keys. 10154
  • Fix unauthorized error when loading dashboards by adding username and password into kibana config. 10513 10675
  • Allow to configure Kafka fetching strategy for the topic metadata. 10682
  • Reconnections of Kubernetes watchers are now logged at debug level when they are harmless. 10988
  • Add missing host.* fields to fields.yml. 11016
  • Fixed OS family classification in add_host_metadata for Amazon Linux, Raspbian, and RedHat Linux. 9134 11494
  • Relax validation of the X-Pack license UID value. 11640
  • Fix a parsing error with the X-Pack license check on 32-bit system. 11650


  • Rename many icinga.* fields to map to ECS. 9294
  • Rename many kafka.log.* fields to map to ECS. 9297
  • Rename many postgresql.log.* fields to map to ECS. 9308
  • Rename many redis.log.* fields to map to ECS. 9315
  • Use log.source.address instead of log.source.ip for network input sources. 9487
  • Support IPv6 addresses with zone id in IIS ingest pipeline. 9836 error log: 9869, access log: 9955.
  • Ensure source.address is always populated by the nginx module (ECS). 10418
  • Fix errors in filebeat Zeek dashboard and README files. Add notice.log support. 10916
  • Fix a bug when converting NetFlow fields to snake_case. 10950
  • Add on_failure handler for Zeek ingest pipelines. Fix one field name error for notice and add an additional test case. 11004 11105
  • Fix issue preventing docker container events to be stored if the container has a network interface without ip address. 11225 11247
  • Fix goroutine leak happening when harvesters are dynamically stopped. 11263
  • Don’t apply multiline rules in Logstash json logs. 11346
  • Fix panic in add_kubernetes_metadata processor when key log does not exist. 11543 11549


  • Fix rare issue where TLS connections to endpoints with x509 certificates missing either notBefore or notAfter would cause the check to fail with a stacktrace. 9566
  • Fix checks for TCP send/receive data. 11118


  • Fix for not reusable http client leading to connection leaks in Jolokia module. 11014
  • Collect metrics when EC2 instances are not in running state. 11008 11023
  • Change ECS field cloud.provider to aws. 11023
  • Fix ec2 metricset to collect metrics from Cloudwatch with the same timestamp. 11142
  • Add missing into fields.yml. 11219 11221
  • Fix potential memory leak in stopped docker metricsets. 11294


  • Fixed the mysql missing transactions if monitoring a connection from the start. 8173


  • Close handle on signalEvent. 9838



Affecting all Beats

  • Add field host.os.kernel to the add_host_metadata processor and to the internal monitoring data. 7807
  • Add debug check to logp.Logger 7965
  • Count HTTP 429 responses in the elasticsearch output. 8056
  • Allow Bus to buffer events in case listeners are not configured. 8527
  • Perform add_cloud_metadata initialization asynchronously to avoid delays on startup. 8845
  • Autodiscovery no longer requires that the condition field be set. If left unset all configs will be matched. 9029
  • Add geo fields to add_host_metadata processor. 9392
  • Add and agent.ephemeral_id fields to all beats. 9404
  • Add dedot method in add_docker_metadata processor in libbeat. 9350 9505
  • Update field definitions for http to ECS. 9645
  • Calls to Elasticsearch X-Pack APIs made by Beats won’t cause deprecation logs in Elasticsearch logs. 9656
  • Introduce migration.enabled configuration. 9805
  • Add name config option to add_host_metadata processor. 9943
  • Add add_labels and add_tags processors. 9973
  • Add alias field support in Kibana index pattern. 10075
  • Add missing file encoding to readers. 10080
  • Add add_fields processor. 10119
  • Add Kibana field formatter to bytes fields. 10184
  • Add ILM mode auto to setup.ilm.enabled setting. This new default value detects if ILM is available 10347
  • Add support to read ILM policy from external JSON file. 10347
  • Add overwrite and check_exists settings to ILM support. 10347
  • Support Kafka 2.1.0. 10440
  • Generate Kibana index pattern on demand instead of using a local file. 10478


  • Move System module to beta. 10800
  • Add (UID) and for ECS. 10195
  • Add (GID) and for ECS. 10195
  • Login dataset: Add event category and type. 11339


  • Add custom unpack to log hints config to avoid env resolution. 7710
  • Make docker input check if container strings are empty. 7960
  • Keep unparsed user agent information in user_agent.original. 8537
  • Elasticsearch module’s slowlog now populates event.duration (ECS). 9293
  • Add option to modules.yml file to indicate that a module has been moved. 9432.
  • Added module for parsing Google Santa logs. 9540
  • Add module zeek. 9931 10034
  • Add service.type field to all Modules. By default the field is set with the module name. It can be overwritten with service.type config. 10042
  • HAProxy module now populates event.duration and http.response.bytes (ECS). 10143
  • Apache module’s error fileset now performs GeoIP lookup, like the access fileset. 10273
  • Added support for ingesting structured Elasticsearch audit logs. 10352
  • Added support for ingesting structured Elasticsearch server logs. 10428
  • Added support for ingesting structured Elasticsearch deprecation logs. 10445
  • Added support for ingesting structured Elasticsearch slow logs. 10445
  • Add ISO8601 timestamp support in syslog metricset. 8716 10736
  • Add support for loading custom NetFlow and IPFIX field definitions to netflow input. 10945 11223
  • Added categorization fields for SSH login events in the system/auth fileset. 11334
  • Add support for MySQL 8.0, Percona 8.0 and MariaDB 10.3. 11417


  • Add central management support. 9254


  • Add metrics about cache size to memcached module. 7740
  • Add service.type field to Metricbeat. 8965
  • Add AWS EC2 module. 9257 9300
  • Add MS SQL module to X-Pack. 9414
  • Add socket_summary metricset to system defaults. Remove experimental tag and support Windows. 9709
  • Add key metricset to the Redis module. 9582 9657 9746
  • Add performance metricset to X-Pack mssql module. 9826
  • Add more meaningful metrics to performance metricset in MSSQL module. 10011
  • Add nats module. 10071
  • Rename some fields in performance metricset on MSSQL module to match the updated documentation from Microsoft. 10074
  • Rename db metricset to transaction_log in MSSQL Metricbeat module. 10109
  • Release Kvm module as beta. 10279
  • Release Nats module as GA. 10281
  • Release Munin module as GA. 10311
  • Release Golang module as GA. 10312
  • Add process arguments and the path to its executable file in the system process metricset. 10332
  • Release AWS module as GA. 10345
  • Add filters and pie chart for AWS EC2 dashboard. 10596


  • Add support to decode HTTP bodies compressed with gzip and deflate. 7915
  • Add support to decode mysql prepared statement command. 8084
  • Added support to calculate certificates' fingerprints (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256). 8180
  • Add network.community_id to Packetbeat flow events. 10061
  • Add aliases for flow fields that were renamed. 7968 10063

Known Issue



  • Journalbeat requires at least systemd v233 in order to follow entries after journal changes (rotation, vacuum).