Beats version 6.0.0-beta2


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Breaking changes


Affecting all Beats

  • The log directory (path.log) for Windows services is now set to C:\ProgramData\[beatname]\logs. 4764
  • The _all field is disabled in Elasticsearch 6.0. This means that searching by individual words only work on text fields. 4901
  • Fail if removed setting output.X.flush_interval is explicitly configured.
  • Rename the /usr/bin/ script (e.g. to /usr/bin/beatname. 4933
  • Beat does not start if elasticsearch index pattern was modified but not the template name and pattern. 4769
  • Fail if removed setting output.X.flush_interval is explicitly configured. 4880



Affecting all Beats

  • Register kubernetes field_format matcher and remove logger in Encode API 4888
  • Fix go plugins not loaded when beat starts 4799
  • Add support for initContainers in add_kubernetes_metadata processor. 4825
  • Eliminate deprecated default mapping in 6.x 4864
  • Fix pod name indexer to use both namespace, pod name to frame index key 4775


  • Fix issue where the fileset.module could have the wrong value. 4761


  • Fix being empty by default. 4852
  • Fix wrong event timestamps. 4851


  • Added missing mongodb configuration file to the modules.d folder. 4870
  • Fix wrong MySQL CRUD queries timelion visualization 4857
  • Add new metrics to CPU metricsset 4969


  • Update flow timestamp on each packet being received. 4895



Affecting all Beats

  • Add setting to enable/disable the slow start in logstash output. 4972
  • Update init scripts to use the test config subcommand instead of the deprecated -configtest flag. 4600
  • Get by default the credentials for connecting to Kibana from the Elasticsearch output configuration. 4867
  • Added and cloud.auth settings, for simplifying using Beats with the Elastic Cloud. 4959
  • Add lz4 compression support to kafka output. 4977
  • Add newer kafka versions to kafka output. 4977
  • Configure the index name when loading the dashboards and the index pattern. 4949


  • Add filesystem.ignore_types to system module for ignoring filesystem types. 4685
  • Add support to exclude labels from kubernetes pod metadata. 4757