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Python Agent version 1.x


v1.0.0 - 2017/12/11


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  • added max-event-queue-length setting. #67
  • changed name that the agent reports itself with to the APM server from elasticapm-python to python. This aligns the Python agent with other languages. #104
  • changed Celery integration to store the task state (e.g. SUCCESS or FAILURE) in transaction.result #100
  • added setting to disable SSL certificate verification #108
  • BREAKING: renamed server configuration variable to server_url to better align with other language agents #105
  • BREAKING: removed the old and unused urllib2-based HTTP transport, and renamed the urllib3 transport #107
  • BREAKING: several API changes to capture_exception, capture_message, and added documentation for these and other APIs #112

v1.0.0.dev3 - 2017/11/13


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  • added a background thread to process the transactions queue every 60 seconds (configurable) #68
  • adapted trace context for SQL traces to new API #77
  • ensured that transaction data is also passed through processors #84
  • added uninstrument function to reverse instrumentation, and exposed both instrument and uninstrument as public API in the elasticapm namespace #90
  • added normalization of HTTP status codes into classes for the transaction.result field. A HTTP status of 200 will be turned into HTTP 2xx. The unchanged status code is still available in context.response.status_code. #85

v1.0.0.dev2 - 2017/09/29


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  • added request context information for Flask #58
  • added response context information for Flask #65
  • BREAKING: changed the SERVERS list setting to a single SERVER string setting. With this change, we now only support sending events to a single server #59
  • BREAKING: removed root trace. Due to historical reason, we used to create a "root trace" which was equivalent to the transaction. This is no longer necessary. #61

v1.0.0.dev1 - 2017/09/18


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  • unified configuration across supported frameworks #33
  • added in-app frame detection #36
  • added tagging functionality #28
  • preliminary support for Django 2.0 #26
  • initial set of documentation

v1.0.0.dev0 - 2017/08/17


First release of the Python agent for Elastic APM