
Congratulations to our newest 2020 Elastic Search Awards honorees

Every day at Elastic we're hard at work building better products, solutions, and features. What inspires our innovation, and humbles us at the same time, are the exceptional projects and solutions the community has built using Elastic.

We're excited to recognize some of those extraordinary use cases as part of our regional Elastic Search Awards program.

The Elastic Search Awards categories for the Asia-Pacific-Japan (APJ) and Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) regions include:

  • Cause Awards for bettering the world
  • Cluster Awards for inspiration and uniqueness
  • You Know, For Search! Awards for a project's potential for growth and for fostering a breakdown of data silos

The Elastic Search Awards honorees were announced during our virtual, three-day ElasticON Global event. We also honored the EMEA Elastic Certified Professional of the Year for exceptional contributions to the Elastic community. Joining our regional honorees were the global honorees of our Public Sector Search Awards. We introduced the Elastic Search Awards honorees for the Americas region in March.

"The originality demonstrated by the Elastic Search Awards nominees never fails to impress. It's always a challenge to select the honorees, and this year's applicants really put us to the test with an array of innovative contributions and Elasticsearch use cases,” says Madison Bahmer, the chief technology officer of IST Research and member of the Elastic Search Awards judging panel.

Elastic Certified Professional of the Year

We honored Peter Steenbergen, 37, of the Netherlands, as our 2020 Elastic Certified Professional of the Year for the EMEA region. Steenbergen has earned Elastic certification, harnessed Elastic for his own projects, and influenced the Elastic community by sharing and championing his Elastic knowledge. He's also the co-founder of UptimeMate and is an Elasticsearch consultant. Steenbergen says, “Elastic changed my life after being certified. I get questions from all around the world to help people with their problems or to help them get started with Elasticsearch.”

Rich Raposa, manager of the Elastic Certification Program and one of the Elastic Search Awards judges, says Steenbergen was one of the very first people to pass the Elastic Certified Engineer exam. “Ever since then I have been impressed with his enthusiasm and contributions. He is an active member of the Elastic community, and his Elastic certifications give him the credibility he so rightfully deserves,” Raposa says.

Watch the video of Peter's story.

APJ awards

Cause Award: Black Dog Institute, Australia. The Black Dog Institute is using Elastic in a project called “Instil” to predict the onset of mental illness in young people with data sent from volunteers' cell phones and stored in Elasticsearch.

Cluster Award: WiseVine, Japan. WiseVine has created a database, built with Elasticsearch, to connect governments and private enterprise at the early stages of the public procurement process for better policy planning, and for a more equitable public procurement process.

You Know, For Search! Award: Telkom Indonesia, Indonesia. Telkom Indonesia, the largest telecommunications provider in Indonesia, is transforming into a digital telco, and has created a self-service Open API Platform with open source software and Elasticsearch as a means to provide accelerated time-to-market and streamlined user onboarding.

Watch the video of the APJ honorees tell their stories.

EMEA awards

Cause Award: SCiO, Greece, and CGIAR of France. SCiO provides AI-enabled services for the disruption of the agri-food value chain, and has developed GARDIAN, a data discovery framework built using Elasticsearch. The GARDIAN framework supports the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, a large-scale initiative to unlock important research publications and data sets about food security, nutrition, and natural resources.

Cluster Award: Centro de Domótica Integral de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. 

Centro de Domótica Integral de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (CeDInt-UPM) researchers have developed an Internet of Things (IoT) platform using the tools provided by the Elastic Stack to control smart buildings, smart lighting, and smart greenhouses. 

You Know, For Search! Award: Intelligent Plant, United Kingdom. Intelligent Plant provides an open and secure Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) portal known as the Industrial App Store. Elasticsearch provides the Industrial App Store with secure remote performance monitoring of equipment and processes through the analysis and visualization of real-time data. 

Watch the video of the EMEA honorees tell their stories.

Public Sector awards

Cause Award: National Crime Agency, United Kingdom. The National Crime Agency (NCA) is using Elasticsearch to help maximize its understanding of the crimes it investigates. By doing so, this will then help provide a fuller picture of the crime types and enable even better informed decision-making around its operational activity.

Cluster Award: Stormfish Scientific, United States. Stormfish Scientific relies on the Elastic Stack to develop its auroraXR™ platform for building secure, information-rich, multi-user, cross-reality environments. auroraXR™ enables military scientists and engineers, academia, and commercial partners to explore human cognitive processes to better understand how virtual reality and augmented reality technologies impact accuracy, timeliness, and confidence for empowering accelerated, mission-critical decision making.

You Know, For Search! Award: Leidos, United States. Leidos, a defense, aviation, information technology, and biomedical research company, has developed a data discovery platform, built with the Elastic Stack, to make petabytes of sensitive mission data searchable and available to US military and intelligence agencies.

Watch the video of the public sector honorees tell their stories.

Congratulations to all of the Elastic Search Awards honorees!